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What’s All The Hype With Chia Seed Water?

Chia seed water was once trending as the “internal shower” in 2022, but has recently made a huge comeback on TikTok. All the wellness girlies raving about the water helping regulate bowel movements and decrease bloating. But what is chia seed water and why is everyone raving about it?

What is chia seed water?

Chia seed water is an 8- to 12- ounce glass of lemon water with a scoop of chia seeds in it. Before drinking, the chia seeds are left soaking in the water for about five minutes so that the seeds can expand. Once the seeds expand in the liquid, they create a gelatin-like, chewy texture. Chia seeds are tiny black and white seeds that come from the Salvia hispanica plant and are rich in fiber and protein. Many people use them to make pudding or vegan eggs.

What are the health benefits of chia see water?

According to Dr. Tommy Martin (@dr.tommymartin on TikTok), chia seed water can have many health benefits including regulating bowel movements. He states that there has been no study but knowing what macro and micro nutrients are in chia seeds, it would make sense to help with bowel movements. The reasoning for this drink is in hopes of losing weight.

But does chia seed water actually work? The only link between losing weight and chia seed water is that it helps fill you throughout the day. It will help curb hunger and in return possibly help shave a few pounds but it also is linked to many other health benefits. According to Healthline, chia seed water can also reduce blood pressure, and inflammation, control blood sugar, benefit heart health, support bone health, and could benefit skin health. The most recent study I found on chia seeds was conducted this past February. The study was to see the relationship between obesity and the intervention of chia seeds. In the end, it was found that chia seeds can positively intervene, help with weight loss, lower blood glucose concentration, and lower cardiovascular disease risk. Always consult with a medical professional before changing your diet.

How can I make chia seed water?

Chia seed water is easy to make at home. The only ingredients are chia seeds, water, and lemon. Lime also can work as a lemon substitute. Take your glass and fill it with 8 to 12 ounces of water, then add a tablespoon or two and your choice of zesty juice. Stir the contents of the drink and let sit for about 30 minutes to let the chia seeds have time to absorb and expand. Once expanded, drink the wellness concoction and let it do its internal magic.