So we’re a little late, but hemp products still deserve their time in the spotlight. Hemp Appreciation Week was June 2nd-8th 2014. It happened to be the 5th annual celebration of wonderful hemp products. So what is this hemp thing, anyways? This cannabis plant yields products of fiber, oil and seeds which are turned into oils, wax, food products, workout powders, ropes, cloth, paper and fuel products.

Photo by Norah Cliff
The Hype
Because this product’s cousin is marijuana, there is speculation about the products that come from the plant. In the United States, only twelve states—California, Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and West Virginia– are legally allowed to grow hemp. Because of the plants low levels of THC, and the shape of the leaf, the concern is that the cousin will be grown alongside of the legal product. With more and more states legalizing the use of medicinal marijuana, hemp will (hopefully) follow in suit to be grown in all states, legally.
Nutritional Perks
In a serving of 30 grams of raw, shelled hemp seeds there are 10 grams of protein! The seeds are a strong source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are typically found in fish. These nutrients are found to lower fat levels in the blood, which lessens the risk of cardiovascular disease! If you are not a fish fan, these nutty seeds can be your source of Omega-3’s and 6’s!

Photo by Norah Cliff
Try adding seeds to your morning oatmeal as a protein punch to keep you satisfied and full longer, or as an excellent addition to frozen yogurt (or just plain yogurt) as a topping.

Photo by Norah Cliff
Check out this link for more products, insights and information about hemp!
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