It’s approaching, and it’s approaching quickly. It’s the holiday known as the Festival of Lights, the Feast of Dedication, the best holiday of the year, or simply enough, Hanukkah.
However you spell it (Chanukah, Hanukah, Chanuqa…what?), I’m sure we can all agree that this holiday tops all others. But how does celebrating Hanukkah work when you’re in college? How are you supposed to cook your favorite foods? How do you light the candles? Where are your presents? Man, it’s hard to be a grown up.
Trying to Bake Challah for the First Time Without Your Mom

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What’s harder then doing your laundry on your own? Trying to bake challah on your own. Watching your mom make challah, I’m sure you thought it would be easy enough to do it on your own.
Wrong. It’s time consuming and a lot harder than it looks. You know what’s not hard, though? Going to the store and buying it. And it tastes pretty good, too.
Having to Wait Until You Get Home to Get Any Presents

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Hanukkah is eight days…doesn’t that mean you get one present each day? Not so much. Especially when you’re at college. Waiting to open your presents until you get home for winter break is commonly described as torture.
Here’s how you can make the waiting time pass: treat yourself to a delicious meal. Maybe even use your parent’s credit card. Happy Hanukkah, thanks mom and dad!
Not Knowing How to Make Latkes in the Slightest

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This is the time when we wished we helped make the latkes growing up. What kind of potatoes do I use? How do I shred them? Isn’t this just hash browns? Don’t even try making these potato pancakes in your college apartment. Wait till you get home for this one. I promise, they’ll be better than any dorm room cooked latkes would be.
Baking Blue and White Hanukkah Cookies

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Congratulations! You can actually do this part. These decorated sugar cookies are easy and fun to make. I mean, who doesn’t like baking cookies? The raw dough doesn’t taste too bad either. Here’s an easy recipe to make these cookies.
Drinking Manischewitz to Celebrate

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This is probably the easiest part of celebrating Hanukkah in college. It’s an excuse to drink wine in celebration. Let’s be honest, this is what you live for in college. Grab the wine, some friends, and let the celebrating begin.
Happy Hanukkah from one college kid to another.