
Gordon Ramsay is Throwing Some Serious Shade on Twitter

If you've spent any time on Twitter lately, you've likely come across a retweet from Gordon Ramsay's official account. For reasons unknown, people have been tweeting food pictures and tagging Ramsay to receive his underwhelming feedback. In all likelihood, people are submitting themselves for relentless criticism for five seconds of fame that comes with Gordon Ramsay mentioning you on the internet. Where a few pictures are clearly made to be unappealing, others are somewhat questionable, leading one to hope that they're not actually proud of their creations. Here are some of Ramsay's fiery responses to the Internet's questionable meals. 

He doesn't waste any time beating around the bush

Although he's not wrong...

He just cuts the crap

Or in this case won't be getting near it, let alone cutting it. 

Even though he can be a bit obscene

Gordon get your mind out of the gutter.

He's just looking out for those in need

Seriously Tyler, that toast is extremely burnt.

Chef Ramsay is proficient in the art of the back-handed compliment

Maybe you shouldn't have cooked your eggs for hours, Hunter.

And he's even dabbled in veterinary cuisine

Not sure that a dog would even eat that one though. 

He can be pretty quick to turn you down

I think that's a wise choice Gordon. 

But can also find the pros in a sea of cons

What a great table cloth, Natasha.

Chef Ramsay cares a great deal about the public school system

He's the cafeteria hero our country deserves.

But also knows what it's like to cut loose here and there

We've all been there, right Gordon?

He's a stickler for authenticity

Is there even such a thing as a Mexican burger? I've never heard of that until this very moment. 

And above all, Gordon is very selective about who gets featured on his shows

In all honesty Alex, "it look" bad.

So if you haven't seen Gordon Ramsay crushing people's dreams via Twitter yet, it's definitely worth checking out. It will totally make you laugh, if anything.