With restaurants in California such as Homestead and Alimento shaking up the restaurant tipping game, it’s about time to answer the age old question.
How much am I supposed to tip?
In the USA, 10 to 20% is normal, although at most restaurants 10% is frowned upon.
Use the guidelines below to make sure you’re not caught in an awkward tipping situation ever again.
The Americas:
1. Canada:
Use the same system you’d use in the US. Good-great service 15-20%, terrible service 10%.
2. Mexico:
Restaurants will rarely add a tip in the bill itself, but similar to the US, 15-20% is customary.
3. Brazil:
Additional tips are not used often, unless service is absolutely amazing. Most places add tip to the bill already, so make sure you don’t accidentally tip twice!
4. France:
15% service charges are ALWAYS included in your bill, so don’t feel obligated to tip more. However if the service was great (aka your server was ridiculously attractive…Bonjurrrrr) feel leave another 5% (and your number).
5. UK
Don’t fall for the ominous “service charge,” at the bottom of your bill. That charge usually goes to the . Inside tip: you can ask for this fee to be removed or lowered. Make sure to add an additional 10-15% specifically for your waiter and don’t tip at pubs.
6. Italy:
Order as much pasta as you want! Italians often tip very little, less than 10% if they tip at all. So load up on delicious carbs and don’t worry about tipping.
7. China:
Tipping is very unusual here. In fact, some places might see it as really rude. Are you listening US?
8. Hong Kong:
10% is the norm at most places; although, some places may include tip in the bill. Round the bill up if the service is phenomenal.
9. Japan:
Like China, tipping is rare. Handing your waiter a cash tip directly is considered very rude. The waiters get a cut of the service charge so don’t feel bad.
10. South Africa:
Leave 10-15% at most places. Leaving more is perfectly accepted and welcomed.
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