
HBO Will Be Releasing 'Game of Thrones' Wine This Spring

Now I don't know about you, but when I heard that season 7 of Game of Thrones had been pushed back to the summer I was, to say the least, annoyed. I low-key felt like Catelyn post the Red Wedding. It used to be the only reason I wanted the weekend to end because we all tuned in every Sunday at 9, less than 12 hours before the school day began. 

Although, my hope was restored when I read that HBO is releasing a line of wines inspired by the hit series. Even though we can't see what's going to unfold, we can finally drink like our favorite characters. As Tyrion says, "I drink and I know things," and now you can too. Sip wine just like a Lannister in King's Landing or Danerys in the Great Pyramid. 

This should help all of us get our little fix of Westeros before season 7 premieres. Also, if you plan on having or attending a viewing party, this might just be the perfect addition. I mean, who doesn't wanna drink like their favorite character?

The Wines

The wines include Chardonay, Reserve Style Cabernet Sauvignon and Proprietary Red Blend. As a broke college kid, I'm hoping and praying that these are priced reasonably. But it's HBO so they won't be.

However, that shouldn't stop anyone from lining up outside the store this spring to buy a bottle or two. Hopefully, if we are ever so lucky, there will be a version of boxed Game of Thrones wine for all to enjoy, rich or broke. 

Someday there may even be an entire aisle in the liquor store devoted to Game of Thrones wine and spirits. Let's hope these wines please us and cause as much joy as our favorite HBO show does.