
Score A Free Burrito At Chipotle Before It's Too Late

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know Chipotle's E. Coli outbreak last August hit their sales hard. An employee working at the busiest store in his/her state explained that pre-E. Coli, the store made around $10,000 a day and after the outbreak, there were days when they made just around $3,000 a day. The company has since made three to four press releases every month in order to attract and win customers back.

While there are ways to recreate their bowls and burritos, Chipotle's road to recovery has made visiting particularly hard to resist with their onslaught of deals and free-burrito giveaways this year. If you've missed out on them all for some strange reason and can't stop by for the annual $3 boo-rito on Halloween, this one's for you.

A couple of weeks ago, Chipotle announced that they would send a 'Buy One Get One Free' coupon to your phone if you play an easy-enough memory game. The game is based on the an original, animated short film and highlights the company's use of fresh, high quality ingredients.

According to Chipotle's press release, the offer is valid at all their U.S. and Canada locations, on any entrée and expires on November 30th. This should give you a chance to try their latest protein, chorizo and get another protein just in case.

Chipotle has also mentioned that these coupons are available only while supplies last so get moving.

If, however, you find yourself crying over all the coupons running out, know that there are ways to make the most of your order and probably many more marketing campaigns coming your way.