
Four Friday Food Videos For Your Procrastinating Pleasure

TGIF! It’s Friday and it just so happens to be the Fourth of July. No classes and the birthday of America? Can’t get any better than that. Today, you can either be studious and get a head start on all your work or… Just procrastinate. If the latter is exactly what you want to be doing on a Friday evening, then we have a weekly video feature to encourage you to procrastinate to your fullest potential. Of course, these videos have to involve food. We wouldn’t be doing Spoon justice if it were anything else!

Check out these America-inspired videos while hopping from BBQ to BBQ. Since when has freedom (from classes) tasted so sweet?

1. July 4th Triple Decker Cheeseburger – Burger Lab

2. Meat America – Epic Meal Time

3. British Guy vs. American Food

4. Pulled Pork Recipe – Spotlight: DJ BBQ