Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s time you know that you should definitely avoid fountain sodas and slurpees forever. Here’s why.
Warning: Graphic photos ahead.
1. Mold and Bacteria

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Since restaurant workers rarely clean the soda machines, there’s most definitely a crap ton of mold in the pipes that your bubbly beverage runs through.
And the ice in your drinks from places like McDonald’s, Burger King and Starbucks is even worse. Apparently the ice from these establishments have more bacteria than water samples taken from their toilet bowls. Yuck.
2. Bleach

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And when the workers do clean, they typically just dump bleach down the pipes to unclog the mold. That means you’re probably drinking way more chemicals than what’s already in your soda.
The photo above is the stuff cleaned out of the machine’s drain hose. #barf
3. Fecal Bacteria

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In other words POOP. Yes, this is legit. According to research published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology, 90 beverages from soda fountain machines in Virginia were tested for fecal contamination. I’m not sure how it got there, but the results showed that about half of the drinks came up positive for coliform bacteria, indicating fecal matter was there. Ew.
4. E. coli

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In that same study, another bacteria – called E. coli – was found in the fountain drinks. So if you want to have diarrhea, a UTI, respiratory illness or pneumonia, go ahead and have your soda. I’ll pass.
5. Insects

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Cockroaches. Yeah i said it. First off, I’ve seen them by the soda machines in my dining hall. Restaurant workers also say they’ve seen those buggers because, apparently, they like the syrup that leaks from the machines. Guh-ross.
6. The Smell

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Ever have a washing machine that smells really musty? Well, I assume the mold, fecal matter and everything else combined in a soda machine would create a stench that’s just not appealing. Period.
7. Health Reasons

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If you didn’t already know, soda’s not good for you. There’s way too much sugar and a ton of random ingredients you probably can’t even pronounce. Something in Coke can even take rust and paint off of cars, so imagine what it does to your intestines…
So there you have it. The next time you order a burger and fries, think twice before getting a fountain soda.