
I Spoke With the Instagrammer Behind @edinfoodclub

Since Instagram is becoming a dictator for “it places,” we're constantly on the lookout for new accounts to show us the hottest new trends. While these "foodstagrams" (that's an Instagram about food) can post often and be revealing about food, the foodies behind them remain shrouded in mystery. I wanted to know more about the people behind the accounts so I started doing some digging. This is the first article of a series revealing the people behind some of the most popular foodstagrams in Edinburgh.

The origins of @Edinfoodclub

A third year Ancient History student, she is a dedicated swimmer with a huge passion for food — even if it does oppose her coach’s orders. She started @Edinfoodclub after realizing her personal account was basically just pictures of food, and quickly gained traction, now boasting over 4,900 followers.

Seated at Cult Espresso on Buccleuch Street (for more coffee shop recommendations, check this article out), I was lucky enough to interview @Edinfoodclub and ask her questions about her account, why she started it, and why she wants to remain anonymous.

@Edinfoodclub's top picks for each meal

Breakfast: Treehouse Café for its amazing pancakes, huge portions and super reasonable

Lunch: Wildman Wood, since this relatively new restaurant has huge salads, and wood oven fired pizza. This is definitely somewhere to give a try when you’re around campus.

Dinner: Bread Meats Bread. This restaurant elevates the humble burger and fries with a huge variety of choice and fries — be sure to try the poutine!

The Interview

Spoon: So what are your hobbies?

@Edinfoodclub: Food, food, and food.

Spoon: Are you a cook? Or just an eater?

@Edinfoodclub: I'm a baker, but my flatmates and I have been taking turns cooking for everyone. This is great because it's meant I've gotten to try new things.

Spoon: Do you value aesthetic or chronology more when it comes to your feed?

@Edinfoodclub: I usually just post as I go, but I have definitely realised that photos of unhealthy food do much better in terms of likes. Especially chocolate, always chocolate. 

Spoon: And finally, why  have you decided to remain anonymous?

@Edinfoodclub: I don't want everyone to know it is me, I enjoy the anonymity of posting, and the lack of pressure which would be caused by my friends knowing. It's a foodstagram and I want it to stay focused on the food and not me.