
Foods That May be Triggering Your Autoimmune Disorder

Diagnosis of autoimmune disorders have been rising in recent years. There is a broad spectrum of autoimmune disorders and they effect each person in unique ways. Having an autoimmune disorder means that your bodies immune system attacks and destroys your healthy body tissue by mistake. Symptoms from these disorders can vary, but what we put in our bodies is crucial when dealing with these conditions. Some foods can cause inflammation and irritation to your system that may cause your symptoms to arise or make them worse. You may have a healthy diet but pay attention to how your body reacts to some of these foods next time you eat them.


Nightshades are vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and potatoes. These foods can cause inflammation and the lectins found in them can lead to gut irritation.


Yes, the infamous gluten. There has been controversy over whether someone should be gluten free if they do not have Celiac disease (a gluten intolerance). Gluten may not affect you, but if you are one with an autoimmune disease it may further the progression of your disease. In man made products today the gluten is hard for the body to recognize since it has been highly processed. The unrecognizable gluten can heighten systematic inflammation leading to heightened symptoms.


Sugar in all forms can weaken the immune system. Consumption of sugar has been shown to weaken the ability of white blood cells within 30 minutes of eating it. Cutting sugar out altogether can be difficult, so maybe try using natural sweeteners such as agave to replace the harsh refined sugars.


Dairy products, especially cow’s milk, are highly inflammatory and may cause irritation in your gut and immune system. The main source of this irritation stems from a protein they contain called casein. An easy switch to start with is just replacing your cow’s milk with a nut milk such as almond milk.

Red Meat

Red meat is a great protein and iron source but may cause complications with your immune system if you have an autoimmune disorder. Red meat tends to run higher in saturated fat which can increase the inflammation in your body. Red meat may increase symptoms of extreme fatigue or even fever.

This list names just a few of an extended list of trigger foods. The running theme through these foods is that they cause inflammation. Autoimmune flare-ups are often related to inflammation, so try incorporating foods that decrease inflammation into your diet. There are many autoimmune disorders out there and each affect an individual in a unique way. Since every disorder is different from person to person, it is important to listen to your body and be honest with yourself. Personally, I suffer from multiple autoimmune disorders and know that it can be difficult to pin point what exactly is causing the symptoms you experience. Some of these foods may not be problematic for you, but if you find yourself stuck with your symptoms you may want to see if changing up your diet helps.