
5 New Year’s Eve Traditions Guaranteed to Bring Luck to Your New Year

2015 is knocking on 2014’s door. Actually, it’s so close it’s about to break 2014’s door down. There’s no denying now, it’s time to start thinking about 2015. The New Year always promises to bring good luck and prosperity, but sometimes it needs a little help. These New Year’s traditions from around the world are said to bring your best year yet. Did we mention that all of these items can be found in your kitchen? Booyah!

Ring-Shaped Foods

All over the world, ring-shaped foods are thought to bring good fortune throughout the new year. These round foods symbolize “coming full circle.” If I get to eat a doughnut at the stroke of midnight, I would consider that to be a damn good start to the New Year.

Photo by Jessica Kane

Jumping Off Chairs and Throwing Dishes

Danish people celebrate the New Year by jumping off chairs at the stroke of midnight, which is said to banish bad luck and bring good fortune into the New Year. They also traditionally throw plates at neighbors’s doors to symbolize their friendship. This sounds like a blast, but something tells me that American’s would not take kindly to strangers throwing ceramic plates at their homes. Probably best if we leave this one in Denmark.

Photo Courtesy of

Coins in Sweetbread

In Greece, they celebrate the New Year by baking a coin into a sweet bread called “vasilopita.” It’s said to bring luck to the person who finds it. Earning money while eating: dream come true.

Photo by Neelima Agrawal

Whiskey and Music

For Hogmanay, the celebration of the Scottish New Year, the party continues for two days (our kind of celebration). At midnight on January 1, party-goers toast friends and family with a glass of whiskey. After midnight, neighbors exchange food and drink door to door. According to superstition, if the first visitor to cross your threshold is a tall, dark and handsome man, the year will be a prosperous one.

This tradition sounds like my everyday life– always waiting for a tall, dark and handsome man to walk through my door.

Photo by Alex Grossman

New Year’s Kiss

And of course, we have the New Year’s kiss. While you probably won’t find this one in the kitchen, if Scotland’s tradition is true there should be a tall, dark and handsome man walking through your door at any moment.

Photo Courtesy of Tumblr User

From one food lover to the another, happy New Year! Here’s hoping this year is your best year yet.

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