The Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger states that 1 in 4 citizens of Philadelphia live in poverty, meaning they’re making sacrifices that many of us couldn’t even fathom making. Should I buy food or pay my electricity bill? Do I have enough food for the rest of the week? Do I have enough food to feed myself for dinner?
The holiday season is one that’s focused on things like gift giving, Christmas carols, and, most importantly, food. Food brings people together, and many people’s holiday traditions are centered around the meals they’re sharing with family and friends.
This brings us back to the Philadelphia citizens who don’t have enough food to eat. And the fact that the Philadelphia Legislature didn’t approve the state budget this year. This means that food pantries across Pennsylvania are in dire need of food, so they’re relying on both food and monetary donations from people like you and me.
These food pantries are asking for regular donations, like canned vegetables, pasta, nuts, and flour. But, they’re also asking for seasonal foods, such as boxed stuffing, canned pumpkin and yams, and cranberry sauce.
And, if you’re in the Villanova area, it’s super easy for your to help. The Communication Department is holding a food drive through December 15th. They’re partnered with an organization called Food for Friends, and will aim to bring food to the people of the Philadelphia area.
So, next time you find yourself at GIANT, pick up some extra cans or non-perishable goods. You can find the collection box in the open area outside the Communication Studio in Garey Hall.
If you’re reading this and aren’t in the Villanova area, it only takes a few seconds to look up food pantries in your area. Even donating a few cans can really mean the difference in someone’s holiday dinner.