
Five Froyo Mashups for Every Kind of Person

If below freezing weather and alarmingly high blood sugar levels don’t stop you from venturing out to 16 Handles, Menchie’s or your favorite neighborhood froyo joint, and the highlight of your day is grabbing that over-sized cup and glancing at a whole wall of flavors and bar chock full of toppings, then you’ve come to the right place.

With tons of flavor options and plethora of choices to put on top all looking just so ‘I-gotta-have-that’ good, it’s not uncommon that the fro-yo goer lets their excitement get the best of them. We’ve been there, and there’s nothing worse than that first bite failing to live up to your expectations.

We like to think we’ve come close to mastering the art of building a froyo, and we’re here to help so that you can avoid that mango/cookies ‘n cream flavor combo topped with strawberries, pineapple, cookie dough, whipped cream, mochi, cheesecake bites, peanut butter cups and gummy worms—because, let’s be honest, no matter how much time you spend convincing your friends that it’s good—it could be a whole lot better. If you are a regular but are getting a little bit sick of your same old concoction, one of these is bound to suit you:

1. The Health Nut

Photograph by Taylor Lashley

2. The All-Things-Fall Lover

Photograph by Taylor Lashley

3. The Chocoholic

Photograph by Taylor Lashley

4. The Life of the Party

Photograph by Taylor Lashley

5. The Slutty…Brownie Lover

Photograph by Taylor Lashley

Now that you’ve finished going through these masterpieces, we suspect that your coat is already on and your wallet is in hand. It’s time to treat yourself to a froyo that you only thought existed in your wildest dreams.

For more froyo combination do’s and dont’s you can check out this awesome post from FWx.