
Fantastic Fall Foods That Don't Include Pumpkin

I think it's safe to say that pumpkins have a big impact during the fall, from It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, to Skeleton Jack the Pumpkin King. However, the pumpkin takeover is as insane as the lines at Chick-Fil-A; full of heightened emotions and incredible smells. It's time to take a step back and check out some fantastic fall foods that don't include pumpkin.


Like the Ron Weasley of fall foods, apples are under appreciated and deserve the spotlight. Time to pull back the invisibility cloak on this fruit and show that even the sour Granny Smiths can make this fruit pretty sweet. Apple Cider is a delicious drink that, in my opinion, knocks Pumpkin Spice Lattes out of the park. If you don't feel like making it from scratch, local supermarkets definitely carry it, so all you gotta do is pop off the top and breath in the cider. 

Though apple cider is an absolutely genius creation, the one dessert that really takes the cake, and luckily is something that the pumpkin hasn't overpowered yet, is the one, the only, the sickening sweet... apple pie! A la mode or a la naked, the choice is yours on how you want to enjoy the only food that actually makes you wish you grew up on a farm. As a college student, apple pies are a no-go when I have to make them from scratch, but luckily, local supermarkets have my back for a low cost. 

Sweet Potato

When I think of sweet potatoes, I breathe in the smells of thanksgiving dessert, and the calories too. There's so many incredible sweet potato recipes out there, but the one dish that always calls to me is the sweet potato casserole. The heavenly goey-ness of the marshmallows combined with the soft, decedent sweet potato all wrapped up in a warm hug of cinnamon and brown sugar gives me a better feeling than the Gators getting a touchdown. 

For those who don't have a sweet tooth as big as the state of Florida, sweet potato fries (or tots!) are another fantastic option that will fry your socks off. They're great when you just want to nosh on some fries, but you know, in a classy way. Sweet potato fries have recipes all over the inter-webs, but this one from Paula Dean of the Food Network, shares a fast (35 min!) option that looks absolutely delicious.


Below the pumpkin lies it's cousin, the squash. It's the mascot for not judging something by the way it looks. The squash provides a plethora of recipes for a sweet or savory entree or side. Growing up, my mom used to buy squash all the time, and each time I turned my nose up at it. As I grew older and my tastes changed, I discovered I'm still not a fan of squash. However, the rest of my family seemed to enjoy it, and if you do too (or if you want to try it) my mom provided some quick insight on a tasty acorn squash concoction.

First cut the squash in half, butter, then bake it. Afterward, throw on some cinnamon, nutmeg, and drizzle a bit of maple syrup on it. If that doesn't sound like the perfect fall food, then I don't know what is. I am 100% on board with trying this dish again. On the other hand, if squash is far from your favorite food, try some pasta made from it, like the Butternut Squash pasta pictured below or Butternut Squash ravioli, both from Trader Joe's. It even comes in an adorably gourd-ous shape. (Check back in a few days for a comprehensive review of Trader Joe's pumpkin-flavored items my other spoonies did).


This might be a bit corny, but I think corn is a kind of a-maize-ing. With so many colors and ways to enjoy it, corn is a fall food that should be taken out of the haunted mazes and onto your plate. At first thought to corn, minds tend to jump to corn on the cob, a grueling teeth workout where you seem to always get more cob than corn and floss is mandatory. My favorite corn dish requires no floss, no mess, and needs ALL the tortilla chips. That's right, it's corn salsa. Just like regular salsa, but without the tomatoes (which is my favorite part). This recipe from Food Network puts a different, and spicy spin on corn salsa, making this fall food a kick at your next autumn get together.

Final Fall Thoughts

Pumpkin, it's time to share the limelight. Your reign over fall foods is over. Though I've only listed apple, sweet potato, squash, and corn, there are many other fantastic fall foods that deserve some TLC. For recipes on those, the internet has your answer. Hopefully there will come a time where we can have a great fall without the flavor of pumpkin in every part of our lives like the incessant robocalls we all receive on our phones. As for right now though, it's time to put on some sweaters (unless you live in Florida), and live your fall to the fullest, experiencing every opportunity, pumpkin or not.