
Everything to Know About Quinn XCII's Newest Song, "Coffee"

Coffee is something that the vast majority of us drink in order to wake up in the mornings or to get us through a rough patch in the day when we're feeling exhausted, but can't go back to sleep or nap for that matter. What if I told you that there was a song about coffee for all of us coffee lovers out there? You may or may not believe me, but it's a real thing, and the song is produced by artist Quinn XCII. Now's the perfect time to learn about his newest song, since I have your attention to some extent.

The song itself

If you can't tell by the title of the song, it's about coffee. The song premiered on May 1st, 2020 and features music artist Marc. E Bassy. The video on YouTube already has over 218,000 views, which is pretty impressive. 

What's your favorite form of coffee? Mine's cold brew or standard iced coffee with hazelnut syrup, cream and/or almond milk, and Splenda. Hopefully, this song will serve as a reminder to have some coffee today, as long as it's before 4 pm as per my doctor cousin-in-law would say. The last thing that you'd also want to happen is that you consume too much coffee, as for it could have the opposite impact on your body.