
Everything I Ate at the Boston Calling Music Festival

This weekend I went to Boston Calling. Think of it as Gov Ball, but for Bostonians. My weekend consisted of listening to music (with headliners such as Sia, Borns and the Vaccines), catching up with friends, and getting a nice wristband tan. Being the fellow Spoon member I am, I also documented what I ate during the festival. And man, were there choices.

Kind Bars

Photo By Julia Poorvu

Kind Bars lured us in with pretty flowers and gave us free bars. After sticking flowers into our bags and hair it was nice to have some quick carbohydrates to store for emergencies (like waiting in between sets).


Photo By Julia Poorvu

When time for lunch came though I found myself at Tasty Burger: the moment I had been waiting for. This resolved my summer burger cravings. I also appreciated the vat of pickles I could scoop onto my burger.

Some of my company opted instead for Whole Heart Provisions, and I felt kind of bad…for approximately three seconds. But no regrets when it comes to burgers.

Photo By Julia Poorvu

Fried Oreos

Photo By Julia Poorvu

Also available was a fried Oreo booth, but since I was pretty full I settled for a picture instead. For anyone who wants to make some fried Oreos at home, here is a recipe.

Pulled Pork Mac N Cheese 

Photo By Julia Poorvu

Later that evening, I paid a visit to the Firefly’s BBQ. The result was pulled pork mac and cheese with cole slaw. This was my favorite of the day. Sooo good. My friend was nice enough to add hers to my picture (mine is the one that is overloaded with toppings, which I think is a good representation of my excitement during the festival).

Belgian Waffles

Photo By Julia Poorvu

The next day was the last treat and a great way to wrap up Boston Calling. Zeinneken’s Belgian Waffles. I got a Gourmand with banana, whipped cream and caramel. T’was delicious. Because waffles are amazing at any hour.

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