
Why Every Food Lover Should Support Michigan Greek Life

Every time something negative happens in regards to Greek life, you will hear, “Mark Schlissel hates Greek life.” Is this true? I have no idea. The closest I’ve ever come to a conversation with him was when he gave a lecture to my Biology 172 class last spring.  When he asked for questions at the end, I felt it would be inappropriate to ask, “Hey! Cool talk, but more importantly, do you hate Greek life?” Opportunity missed, I know.

On Michigan’s campus, many people love Greek life, others are neutral and some hate it. If you happen to be a foodie and a hater, I’m here to provide you with 13 reasons you might want to change your mind:

1. Alpha Chi Omega: AXO Donuts & Cider and Alpha Chi Waffle House

Photo by Phoebe Melnick

Back in the fall, Alpha Chi Omega helped us all start off our game day right by hosting Donuts & Cider on the day of the Michigan State football game-still too soon?

Additionally, on the the Saturday after Saint Patrick’s Day, Alpha Chi Omega hosts Alpha Chi Waffles, selling Belgian waffles on their front lawn to give you sustenance for your day of partying. The proceeds go toward helping domestic violence victims at the Women’s Center of Southeastern Michigan. 

2. Alpha Delta Pi: ADPizza and ADPicnic

Photo by Jess Spivack

For those of you who like pizza all of you, Alpha Delta Pi hosted ADPizza on a football Saturday last year, and you could get Domino’s Pizza to help you make it through the day. ADPicnic is an annual philanthropy event catered by Pizza House (clearly ADPi understands the universal love for pizza).

Additionally, you have the chance to Pie-a-Pi, where you can pie an ADPi in the face for charity, and both of these events benefit the Ronald McDonald House.

3. Alpha Gamma Delta: AGDilla

GIF by Rebecca Simonov

I have a friend that is obsessed with AGDilla. Every time AGDilla is scheduled, she texts our group chat multiple days in advance to tell us about the event. This is a semiannual event where you can get quesadillas, and the proceeds benefit the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation.


For group orders of over ten resale tickets, each ticket will only cost three dollars instead of four. So, the next time you hear AGDilla is happening, grab your friends (and my friend please) and go.

4. Alpha Phi: Cinnamon Roll Break

Photo by Amy Erickson

This year at Winterfest, Alpha Phi had nice, homemade treats galore, which was the perfect way to take a break from watching rowdy fraternity brothers play each other in not-so-nice games of broomball.

5. Alpha Epsilon Phi: Phi Grill

Photo by Kelly Ho

Who doesn’t like grilled cheese? AEPhi knows the answer to that question is no one.  That’s why twice this year, AEPhi hosted Phi Grill to fulfill all of your grilled cheese and tomato soup needs. The proceeds of Phi Grill benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.

6. Chi Omega: Wing Fling

Photo by Lauren Beane

At Wing Fling you can get unlimited Buffalo Wild Wings and support the Make-A-Wish Foundation at the same time. What could be better?

7. Delta Delta Delta: Trihop

Photo by Zoe Zaiss

TriHop is an annual philantrophy event that raises money for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. At TriHop you can get unlimited pancakes, and this year, Oats & Woes also sold oatmeal bowls at the event.

8. Delta Gamma: Cider for Sight

Photo by Jamie Medina

Cider for Sight is a fall themed event where you can eat donuts and other baked goods, play a game of apple cider pong, pie a DG or a Beta in the face, enter to win tickets to Wiard’s Haunted Houses and help support the Delta Gamma Foundation and Service for Sight.

9. Kappa Alpha Theta: Guac and Roll

Photo by Caitlin Shoemaker

Guac and Roll (previously called Guac the Casa) is an all you can eat Chipotle event that benefits Washtenaw County CASA. All you can eat Chipotle? Enough said.

10. Kappa Kappa Gamma: The Very Hungry Kappapillar, Kappasta, and Kappa Kappaccino

Photo by Daniel Schuleman

Kappa killed it with three food events this year! The Very Hungry Kappapillar is a pie-eating contest where teams of five compete against each other. Kappasta is an annual philanthropy event serving all-you-can-eat spaghetti and meatballs.

And finally, Kappa Kappaccino serves coffee, cookies and cocoa (aka the best three things on a cold February day). All of these events benefit Reading is Fundamental.

11. Sigma Delta Tau: All you ΣAT

Photo by Annie Madole

The name says it all.  All you can ΣAT is an annual philanthropy event that supports Prevent Child Abuse America. This event features unlimited access to pizza pies, cheesy breads, grilled cheeses, burritos, cupcakes, cookies, quesadillas, wings and more. Most of the food is donated by local restaurants, like Pizza House and Insomnia Cookies.

12. Sigma Kappa: Sigma Sliders

Photo by Tara Botwinick

Last October, Sigma Kappa hosted Sigma Sliders, an all-you-can-eat BBQ. The proceeds benefit the Alzheimer’s Association, giving you another reason to get all you can eat BBQ (as if you needed one).

13. Zeta Tau Alpha: Feed the Cure and Think Pinkcakes

Photo by Julie Mirliss

In the fall, Zeta hosted Feed the Cure at BurgerFi where you get one “create your own” burger bar, one serving of fries and a fountain drink. On the Saturday after Saint Patrick’s Day, Zeta camped out on their lawn and made pancakes available to all from 8 am to 3 pm.

Both Feed the Cure and Think Pinkcakes benefit the ZTA Foundation for Breast Cancer Awareness and Education.

In addition to all of these wonderful events, many sororities host fundraisers at places like Salads UP, Pizza House and other local restaurants.  This is a GREAT excuse to order cheesy bread without feeling guilty, and some days you might be lucky enough to find a bake sale hosted by a sorority around campus.

Photo by Anna Elizabeth Hirschorn

For Delta Phi Epsilon, Gamma Phi Beta and Pi Beta Phi, we hope to see you guys participate in these food festivities in the coming year. For those of you who haven’t been going to these events, make sure to check them out in the 2016-2017 school year, as many of them happen annually!

Love Greek life and want to read more? Check out these related articles: