This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at PSU chapter.
1. You walk into the HUB with your friends. You are on a mission. You are excited to get your Chick-Fil-A and nothing is going to stop you.

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2. You see the line and are slightly discouraged.

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3. You steel up your determination and will, and remember the true reason that you are here: the waffle fries (duh).

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4. You realize you’re in for the long haul. There is nothing you can do now but stand and wait.
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5. The promise land is near. You are so close to the front of the line and the anticipation is killing you. You can practically taste the perfectly seasoned chicken sandwich that you are about to inhale.

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6. You finally reach to the front of the line. OMG YAS!

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7. You discover that an evil person in front of you has taken the last chicken sandwich and large waffle fry. Sigh. Oh well, at least yours will be fresh right?

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8. Half an hour later, you FINALLY get your food. You grab your treasured Chick-Fil-A sauce along with some of their signature buffalo sauce, and you are on your merry way.

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9. After you eat your perfectly greasy meal, you realize that it was so worth it. You forget the long line and make immediate plans to repeat the process next week.

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