
Easy Vegan Breakfasts that aren't Oatmeal or Avocado Toast

I love oatmeal and avocado toast as much as the next person (if not a whole lot more), but eating the same thing for breakfast can get pretty boring. There is an abundance of options for vegans, some more complicated than others, but it's important that we all take advantage of the foodie opportunities the current vegan-friendly climate has created. I always like to spice up my mornings with these super simple, fairly quick, and mostly healthy vegan breakfast ideas. 

Tofu Scramble Tacos

Tofu scramble has become one of my go-to quick and easy meals. First, it's super simple to make. Take tofu and mash it up, to the point that it has a similar consistency to scrambled eggs. Add turmeric, paprika, nutritional yeast, salt and pepper to taste, plus any veggies you want (I usually go for mushrooms, tomatoes, and spinach). Finally, scoop the scramble into some tortillas, and add some salsa and avocado for a delicious and nutritious breakfast. 


There are so many easy vegan pancake recipes. I personally have experimented with three or four, and they all taste amazing. Usually, I just mix one banana, one cup of oats, and half a cup of dairy-free milk in a blender. Make sure to let the blend sit for a few minutes before cooking to thicken up. Drop the batter into a preheated griddle or nonstick pan over medium heat and flip after around 5 minutes. After cooking, just add any of your favorite toppings.   

Dairy-Free Yogurt

We live in the golden age of veganism, where pretty much any food you can think of has a cruelty-free alternative. This breakfast is just as simple and delicious as its dairy counterpart. It's also high in healthy fats and protein, making it an extremely satiating meal. I personally love Kite Hill's plain Greek-style yogurt. It's super easy to switch up your toppings, but I generally go for berries, granola, and a drizzle of maple syrup.   

A Classic Bagel

Not everything on a vegan diet has to be super picturesque or incredibly healthy. Sometimes we all crave the classic, quick breakfast of a bagel and cream cheese. And guess what? There are vegan versions of that too! If you haven't tried Kite Hill's Chive Cream Cheese, I don't know what you're doing. You can even top this breakfast off with some vegan smoked salmon to add something a little extra. 

Breakfast Hash

What's simpler than some potatoes and your favorite veggies? I personally like to make my hash with sweet potatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, onions, and black beans. Just fry everything up in a pan with whatever spices you please, add some guacamole or cashew cream on top and you have yourself a wonderful vegan breakfast.

So, there you have five of my favorite non-traditional vegan breakfasts. Hopefully this list sparks a bit of your creative side and gets you thinking about all the different ways, healthy or unhealthy, quick or slow, traditional or unconventional, easy or difficult, there are to be vegan in our evolving world.