
9 Things You Can Make With Dulce de Leche

This culinary confection literally translates to the “sweetness of milk” so naturally this is the perfect solution to any sweet tooth craving. Traditionally, this Argentine version of a caramel sauce, is made from milk and sugar, and heated and stirred for 7 hours, but honestly ain’t nobody got time for that.

Lucky for us, this sweet sauce is pretty popular all around the world so finding it at a local grocery store isn’t too hard. Brands like Williams Sonoma, and Stonewall Kitchen make some of the best pre-made dulce de leche. Thanks to some simple recipes, there are no more excuses not to be enjoying the best and most underrated dessert of all time. Every day, all day. Here are some of the top recipes and desserts to add more dulce de leche to your life.

Rice Krispie Treats with a Twist

Photo by Alex Furuya

This insanely creative blend of crunchy cereal mixed with the caramel flavors of dulce de leche is a vamped up version of your favorite childhood snack. This easy 2-ingredient recipe simply replaces the marshmallows with a hearty helping of dulce de leche and you are on your way to enjoying a delicious little treat.

Make it Yourself

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If you have a few cans of sweetened condensed milk laying around, water, a pot, and about three hours on your hands, dulce de leche is actually very easy to make using this easy recipe here. If not, go to the grocery store, buy some, and eat it because why not. Spoonfuls of this stuff is the most simple and delicious way of satisfying your strongest and sweetest dulce de leche craving on earth.

Whip it Up

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Dulce de leche is a simple treat but adding it to an equally simple treat brings it to the next level. This easy and delicious sugary recipe is the combination of dulce de leche and whip cream. This is a simple way to create your own topping and you can add this to just about any other confection or make fresh fruit just a little bit better with some dulce de leche whipped cream.

Smother it in Between Cookies

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If you are feeling ambitious try putting dulce de leche into a sandwich. This twist on the alfajores dessert, an Argentine favorite, can be made easily with any simple sugar cookie recipe. The combination of this easy sugar cookie recipe with smooth dulce de leche filling creates the best sandwich you will ever eat. Simply slather the dulce de leche onto one cookie and plop another sugar cookie on top and there you go. Mini and heavenly.

Saucy Caramel Cookie Bars

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When it comes to dulce de leche there are are always options here. If cookies and cakes aren’t your thing, perhaps making something like these easy dulce de leche bars will satisfy those silky caramel cravings. These cookie bars with dulce de leche on top sprinkled with chocolate chips and pecans can do no wrong. To make this recipe even easier, you can simply buy sugar cookie mix, follow those directions, then use the dulce de leche mixture and sprinkle with toppings of choice.

Salted Dulce de Leche Brownies

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If you are more of a chocolate lover, these brownies are the ones for you. This is the chocolate-caramel combo of your dreams, and this recipe shows you just how to make them come true. To make this a little bit easier, you can always buy the boxed brownie mix, whip that up and dollop spoonfuls of dulce de leche all over, and bake.

Coffee Flavors Sent From Above

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If getting out of bed is a struggle or you just need a delicious pick-me-up and coffee (iced or hot) is the drink of choice, add some spoonfuls of dulce de leche right into your drink. It is a simple and flavorful sweetener with all the caramel goodness and without any of the chemicals. Just pour, mix, and drink up.

Ice Cream Caramel Sundae Dreams

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Bump up the caramel flavor a notch and get the dulce de leche infused ice cream from Haagen Dazs creations. Create the very best ice cream sundae with this ice cream and add anything from chocolate sauce, sprinkles, whip cream, and even more dulce de leche on top. It never fails to disappoint.

Dulce de Leche for Breakfast

Photo courtesy of Carolyng Gomes

Last, but certainly not least, because we all know breakfast is the most important part of the day, so why not enjoy it with these fluffy, light, and dulce de leche swirled pancakes fresh off the griddle. Try this super easy recipe from The Latin Kitchen to start out your day with a healthy dose of caramel goodness.

And with that I leave you with 9 more delicious and clever recipes to add, mix, spread, and spoon the caramel sauce from the culinary gods of South America to enjoy.

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