
3 Reasons to Participate in Dry January

Everyone wakes up the same way Sunday morning after a long weekend out. The pounding headaches, uneasy stomachs, the slight confusion as to the events that occurred the night before, and the inability to move an inch from the place that's become bed for the night.

After experiencing the aftermath of a possibly too eventful weekend, one thought  seems to be consistent amongst the varying pieces of legitimate memory: "I am never drinking again." As we all know, this vow becomes invalid come next Thursday, but the thought is still there.

For many people in recent years, this pledge has lasted a little more than five days. Dry January has become the latest hype thanks to the good ole Brits that now not only have cooler accents, but better New Year's resolutions as well. 

The campaign, started by the British organization Alcohol Concern, asks people to voluntarily give up the toxic beverage for the month of January in hopes of promoting a healthier lifestyle that doesn't include alcoholic tendencies.

Now I'm sure you're thinking to yourself:

Because humans never do anything without justification, there are a few reasons behind why people chose to say sober for the first 31 days of the new year.

1. It's all about the money

The average adult spends over $50 a month on booze while students tend to spend up to $200. The cost of alcohol itself, along with the additional costs of going out, tend to add up over time.

79% of those who have participated in this movement have been proven to have saved a significant amount of money throughout the month. Although a great night out can create some interesting memories, the story you tell your grandkids of that one time you went broke in college may not be as entertaining. 

2. New Year, New Me

Believe it or not, avoiding the weekly alcohol intake can actually help you lose weight. Since getting fit and hitting that magic number on the scale are other popular new year's resolutions, a month-long prohibition kills two birds with one stone.

Studies have found that alcohol consumption can cause people to be more sensitive to food aromas and more lenient towards eating than if they were sober. Participants are estimated to save 11,520 calories (about 3 pounds) over the course of the 30 days if abstinence is maintained. 49% of those who partook in Dry January in previous years had been proven to lose weight throughout the process. 

3. Wake me up when January ends

Your sleep cycle probably isn't the greatest, but alcohol is certainly not helping you catch those z's. Although it may seem easier to crash after a long night out, alcohol actually disrupts your sleeping. In science terms, this means that drinking before bed increases alpha wave patterns in the brain that don't allow you to sleep properly. 62% of people who chose not to drink during January have better sleep and more energy throughout the month than those who drank away 2016.

Alcohol means something different to everyone. For some, it's an aspect of a social environment and for others it's a guilty pleasure at the end of a long day. In any of these cases, it still takes a toll on not only the body but the wallet as well. 

Now that 2016 has ended, keep in mind your goals for 2017 and the role a Dry January could play in it. For now, celebrate the New Year with as much champagne as you deem necessary. 

It could be your last taste for a while.