
The Frightening Reality of Drunk Driving on New Years Eve

Every 30 minutes, one person is killed as a result of drunk driving. This number only increases as the sun goes down, we approach the weekend, and we get closer to the holiday season. Between Christmas and New Years, the average number of fatalities resulting from alcohol related accidents rises by 34 percent. If that's not scary enough, two in every three people will be involved in a drunk driving accident in their life. That is two too many.

Drunk driving is no joking matter. Not only are you are putting your own life and the lives of your passengers at risk, but you are also jeopardizing the safety of every other person on the road. Stop yourself and think, is saving 10 bucks really worth a life?

How Many Drinks is Too Many to Drive?

For fully licensed drivers in Canada and the United States, driving with 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood is considered a criminal offence, punishable by jail. There is no hard and fast rule for how many drinks you can have and still be safe to drive. It depends on your gender, alcohol tolerance, weight, how fast you drink, and many other factors. Your safest bet? If you plan on drinking, leave the keys at home.

So What Do You Do?

Assign a designated driver: someone who does not consume alcohol and is responsible to take you and your friends home. 

Don't have a friend who wants to miss out on the fun? Call a cab, Uber, Lift, or any other transportation service in your area.

Too expensive? Many cities offer free public transportation for New Year's Eve. Check your local transportation services to see if they offer free rides in your area.

Don't feel safe using public transit late at night? Operation Red Nose is an incredible organization that offers free service to anyone who does not feel fit to drive home. Check their website to see if they operate near you. 

Be Safe

Don't begin the New Year in a hospital. Whether you put local cab numbers into your phone, leave your car at home, or skip the drinking all together, make sure you plan your route home before going out. 

Don't Be a Bystander

If you think someone is driving drunk, call the police and give them your location and the driver's license plate. The sad reality is that teenagers are at a higher risk for driving while intoxicated than older adults. If you see a friend with the intentions to drive, and you know they have been drinking, intervene. 

Watch this to see how others felt while driving "drunk" (safely using a drunk stimulator). 

For more information check out MADD's website. Make your mother proud this holiday season by not drinking and driving.

Whatever holiday you celebrate, let's work together to make it a safe one. Happy holidays from me to you.