
The Definitive Ranking of Gluten-Free Breads

Bread may seem like a simple food item, but a good slice of bread is very hard to come by in the gluten-free world. Gluten-free breads have been known to be cardboard-stiff, crumbly or flavorless. We were curious to see if it was even possible to make gluten free bread taste and feel like real wheat bread.

We tested 6 different whole-grain gluten-free brands so you didn’t have to (you’re welcome). We scored the breads out of 10, with a score of 10 being to closest to regular whole wheat bread. The “toastability” of each brand was scored as well cause we know how much everyone loves toast.

6. Udi’s: Soft & Hearty Whole-Grain Bread

Photo by Stephanie Schoenster

“Little dry.” “Good alternative but not the best.” “Looks like bread but smaller.” 

This was the brand we had been most familiar before this taste test buying it many times before this taste test. Udi’s tasted pretty close to regular bread, but it was a bit dry and crumbly. While the slice did have a nice browned crust and shape, it was thin and small.

Score: 6.5/10     Toastability: 6.8/10


5. Rudi’s: Multigrain Sandwich Bread

Photo by Stephanie Schoenster

“This isn’t Udi’s?” “Kinda buttery taste” “Looks small.”

Basically Udi’s cousin, both name and texture wise. Like Udi’s, this slice was also small and thin. However, the Rudi’s slice was more dense and did not crumble as much. There was also a buttery aftertaste that you don’t usually get from regular bread.

Score: 6.8/10     Toastability: 7/10


4. Canyon Bakehouse: 7-Grain Gluten-Free Bread

Photo by Stephanie Schoenster

“Omg, so good can’t be bread!” “Bit sweet, but I like it.” “Super soft & fluffy!”

This brand caught my eye on the shelves at Whole Foods. The texture of the bread was very soft, fluffy, and spongy. There were bits of seeds scattered throughout the bread giving it that whole-grain feel. The taste was a sweet due to the agave listed in the ingredients.

Score: 7.5/10     Toastability:8/10


3. Glutino: Multigrain Bread

Photo by Stephanie Schoenster

“Very soft & fluffy” “Tastes amazing!” “Wow!” “Can’t be gluten-free.”

Glutino is known for their gluten-free snacks, especially their awesome gluten-free pretzels, and their bread didn’t disappoint either. The Glutino slice was super light, fluffy and flaky. After biting in, we were shocked at how soft and flavorful the taste was. We all agreed that it was a little too good to be gluten-free.

Score: 8/10     Toastability: 8.5/10


2. Trader Joe’s: Gluten-Free Whole-Grain Bread

Photo by Stephanie Schoenster

“Tastes a but nutty.” “Almost tastes real.” “Of course it’s good, it’s Trade Joe’s.”

Trader Joe’s never fails to amaze people with their all of their awesome products, including their gluten-free bread, which they have also perfected. While small, we were all amazed at how the slice was so airy, light and soft. The taste of the bread was so close to traditional wheat bread.

Score: 9/10     Toastability: 9.2/10

1. Schär: Hearty Grain

Photo by Stephanie Schoenster

“Nailed it!” “I wouldn’t know the difference.” “It even looks like bread!”

I had never heard of Schär, so I didn’t have high expectations for this brand. Unlike the other gluten-free brands, Schär actually looked and felt like regular whole wheat bread. Although a bit stiff at first bite, it was everything you would expect from regular whole wheat bread—thick, hearty and filling.

Score: 10/10     Toastability: 10/10


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