Comedy television has gotten me through a lot. Long days, bad grades, and big fights always seem to fade into the background when I’m watching something funny. I can also say the same about food, it’s there to make you feel better when nothing seems to be going right. When these two combine, it’s pure comedy food magic.
10. No soup for George.

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It’s an iconic Seinfeld episode, still quoted years later. The gang learns of this amazing soup joint with lines around the corner. It’s owned by the “Soup Nazi,” and if you cross him, you’re out of luck. Classic George falls into bad graces with the Soup Nazi, and it’s “no soup for you!”
9. Marshall and Ted get pizza, everything goes wrong.

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When Ted and Marshall hit the road, you know you’re in for a good story and a laugh. They’re always filled with tantrum, Marshall’s Pontiac Fiero, and jammin’ out to 500 miles. One of the best moments was the trip to Gazola’s, a pizza joint about to shut their doors in Chicago. This city is filled with some of the best pizza in the country, but this place is nastier than the streets of NYC. Ted even witnessed a “sausage” crawl off his pizza. They don’t even think the pizza is that great once they’re eating it, but it’s tradition right? Well, another part of the tradition is after the pizza has been eaten, and according to Ted it feels like lead.
8. Liz Lemon buys all the hot dogs.

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30 Rock’s pilot episode was clearly the start of something special with Liz Lemon’s leadoff win. On her way to work, Liz stops for a hotdog. While waiting in line, a man claims there to be two lines and cuts off the other people waiting. Liz wasn’t having it and proceeds to buy all the hot dogs to ensure this man doesn’t get one, then has to walk into work with a massive box of hot dogs.
7. Louis CK and the bang bang.
FX’s Louie is the perfect balance of comedy, tragedy, and moments that make you ask “what the f*ck?”. It’s weird and hilarious and one of a kind. Louis CK is always open to discussing his eating habits in his standup, and it’s no different on this show. Louie and his brother embark on a journey to live a more healthy lifestyle but don’t start without one last smorgasborg. The duo eat a full meal at one restaurant and go to a different restaurant and eat another full meal.
6. Ron Swanson and his breakfast buffet.

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Tom Haverford had just gotten a divorce from his green card marriage, and Leslie had everyone accompany Tom to a strip club to mourn the loss of his “marriage.” Leave it to Ron Swanson to find a complimentary breakfast buffet at a strip club. It’s impossible for Ron to be unhappy with any free food put in front of him, unless it’s vegan bacon. And nothing is better than a Ron Swanson smile.
5. Liz Lemon + cheese.

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Yes, she’s on here twice. Liz Lemon’s relationship with food is stronger than any human relationship (Criss Cross comes in at a very close second). Cheese is frequently mentioned in the scripts of 30 Rock, as a recurring guest star in Liz Lemon’s life.

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Apparently this Cheesy Blasters thing was actually in production, but it seems more like something Liz made up in a dream.

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Everyone deserves to find love like Liz loves her night cheese.

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The only positive memory of Dennis.

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And we can’t forget when Liz ate so many Sabor de Soledad it resulted in a false positive pregnancy test because of the insane amounts of horrible chemicals in them.
4. Rachel and Chandler eat cheesecake off the floor.

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Rachel and Chandler find a cheesecake at the door of one of their neighbors. When it sits there and hasn’t been taken inside, Rachel and Chandler take it upon themselves to enjoy it. It eventually turns into a a battlefield between each half of cake, leaving one slice remaining. The cake falls to the floor but that doesn’t stop Rachel and Chandler from finishing it off.
And then Joey walks up and pulls out a fork from his jacket and asks, “What are we eating?”
3. The calzones betrayed them.

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It was supposed to be a menu tasting for Ben and Leslie’s wedding, but it turned into four grown men keeled over in stomach pain in Chris Traeger’s office.
2. Kevin Malone and the chili incident.

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It’s a classic Kevin Malone situation. He’s just living his simple life and trying to bring in some chili to the office, and everything goes wrong. Poor Kevin spills chili all over the floor and eventually falls in it. We expect nothing less from Kevin, and it only confirms that this probably wasn’t the first or last time Kevin Malone spilled an entire vat of chili and went for a swim in it.
1. The French Chef

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Dan Aykroyd began as an OG writer on SNL and had many memorable moments, but none seem to compare to his impersonation of Julia Child. Meryl Streep’s portrayal can’t even compare to “The French Chef” skit.