
Decaf vs Regular Coffee: The Pros and Cons of Each

Some people drink coffee for the rich flavours. Others drink coffee for the much needed pick me up to start their day. Whatever your reason may be, coffee has become a fundamental aspect in today's society. You cannot walk around the city without seeing a coffee shop on every block.

But ever wondered why someone would opt for a decaf cup of Joe instead of a full, caffeinated, jitter inducing one? This article will clear up the decaf vs regular debate and help you decide which is best for you.

A study found that coffee is consumed 7% more than regular (and free) tap water. Whether your go-to drink is a plain ol' cup of Joe, or a fancy iced, sugar-free, vanilla latte with soy milk, you might want to think twice before grabbing your second or third cup of the day.

Although caffeine does contain some health benefits, it has its fair share of nasty side effects. Your cup of coffee can actually be related to your success and motivation during your day. Caffeine results in an increased reaction time, mental performance and alertness, improved brain function, and increased concentration and problem-solving skills.

But caffeine also has its fair share of drawbacks. It can increase depression and anxiety levels, result in difficulty sleeping, ulcers, and heartburn. Additionally, coffee is known to be a great laxative. Although effective and works quickly, it can inhibit the nutritional benefits from other foods to properly absorb before finding its way out of your system.

How Much is too Much?

Each cup of coffee contains about 100 milligrams of caffeine. So how much is thought to be safe to drink? About 3 cups - or 300 milligrams of caffeine per day. For most people, 3 cups a day is more than enough! But if it isn't, ever considered a decaf cup of Joe instead?

Decaf vs. Regular

For many, a decaf cup of coffee seems pointless due to its minimal levels of caffeine. To put it in perspective, five to 10 cups of decaf coffee have the same amount of caffeine as one to two cups of regular coffee. If you don't crave that 4 o'clock cup of Joe, stick to your fully caffeinated coffee. But for those who are coffee addicts and crave a fourth or fifth cup of coffee in a day, opt for decaf. You'll fill your craving without the health risks - and the unnecessary jitters.

For those who suffer from depression, anxiety, or sleeping problems, it would be wise to consider the switch to decaf, or even the reduction of your caffeine intake. You know that jittery feeling you get from drinking too much coffee? Well, that's a similar feeling to a panic attack so why willingly bring on those symptoms? Unfortunately, caffeine can aggravate anxiety symptoms.

As well, if you have heartburn problems, stomach ulcers, chronic headaches, or are pregnant, a decaf cup of coffee might be a better choice.

Ultimately, your Starbucks order is personal to you and with all the choices available, it's customizable to your specific needs. Whether you choose a decaf vs regular cup remember, coffee is a dehydrate so a good rule to follow is for every cup of coffee you drink, drink an extra glass of water.