
Forget Friendsgiving, 'The Gravy' Is All About Danksgiving This Year

Name a more iconic duo than food and hip hop—I'll wait. Combining people’s love for food with their passion for hip hop culture is exactly what The Gravy aims to do. From food prep playlists to rapper recommended restaurants, The Gravy has you covered. 

The founder of the site, Susanna Arntz, has had a long-term relationship with hip hop and food and has found a way to merge her two loves through The Gravy. She has grown up in multiple cities including New York, Miami, and Philly, which has influenced her taste in both topics. She credits the kitchen that raised her and the music that flows through her headphones for the career she has today. 

The Gravy is made up of three main components: Recipes, Playlists, and Eateries. All the recipes are curated by Susanna and her staff and are all lyrically inspired. The playlists provide the perfect background for any cooking situation you find yourself in, and the eateries are all rapper recommended or mentioned. For instance, if you ever find yourself in Downtown Los Angeles, stop by Fatburger and you might see Ice Cube or even rediscover the late and great Tupac. 

The Gravy's latest venture is called Danksgiving, and it's nothing short of lit. Carrying on the site’s theme, Danksgiving includes an entirely musically-inspired meal along with a matching playlist. Some of the dishes include King Kunta Yams and The Trap Queen’s 1738-Infused Apple Pie. All of the recipes include ingredients and cooking directions, which will make Danksgiving 2k16 easy and stress-free. You'll be too busy cutting it up to the awesome playlist that's included to have anything but a good time.

To take the plunge and host your own Danksgiving, all you have to do is reserve a free copy and everything will be sent right to your inbox. This event isn't limited to friends, incorporate it into your family's traditional Thanksgiving dinner if you're looking to spice things up. Who knows, that Aunt you seem to have nothing in common with might open up once she hears Lil Yachty's Broccoli floating through the house. Plus, the change in pace will help in distracting your family from asking those post-graduation questions we all dread. 

So, make food social again and check out The Gravy to be a part of the blended food and hip hop culture because yeah, that more iconic duo? I'm still waiting.