

Tea. We all know it. But as college students, not all of us love it.  Allow me persuade you otherwise of the superioritea of tea.

1. The caffeine
Caffeine has many benefits for the consumer that will help you towards success in college life. For example, caffeine is said to boost memory, which will help you ace the next test (or, well, at least not fail it…). It is a great substitute for sleep when trying to stay alert and may reduce stress, when consumed in small amounts. Caffeine also speeds up your metabolism, so you burn off a few more of those calories.

2. Benefits for exercise
Not only can tea help you avoid stress eating and increase your metabolism, it can also help boost your exercise endurance. Get in a  daily dose to perk up your workout or pull a Kate Middleton (see number 6) and play a game of volleyball in heels. Show them who’s boss. Or Duchess.

Photo by Snap713

 3. Adorable tea cups
You can’t deny the simple pleasure of tea cups. They are so delicate and precious and all good things in one possible creation. In comparison to coffee mugs, tea cups instantaneously add classiness to any afternoon. ‘Nuff said.

4. Reduction of stress levels
In addition to the stress-reducing benefits of caffeine, black tea itself is also said to reduce stress levels. It simultaneously decreases the levels of stress hormones while lowing blood pressure levels. Tea will stop you from grabbing those chips, candy and alcohol and avoid those freshman/sophomore/junior/senior pounds.

5. Youthful glow
White tea has the added benefit of being able to make you look younger and more gorgeous than ever. Extracts in the tea minimize wrinkles and fine lines which may or may not be due to stress and staring at the screen for too long binge-watching Netflix. (Admit it.)

Photo by Fixotic

6. Pretend to be British
Everyone wants a sexy British accent. Or even better, a significant other with said accent. Get some practice in for Prince Harry and pretend that you’re British for a day. When you’re feeling a bit knackered, put on your favourite jumper or climb into your jim-jams, put on a kettle of your favorite tea, grab some biscuits and watch your favourite Collin Firth movie. Cheeky? Absabloodylutely.

7. Avoid falling into the stereotype of college students everywhere
You will successfully be able to navigate the infamous question for college students: “So how much coffee do you drink now?” Please.  You are so much more hipster than that.

Photo by Matt Maldre

8. Variety of options
Black. Green. White. Yellow. Oolong. Pe-urh. Masala. Chai. Peppermint. Chamomile. Darjeeling. Golden Monkey. Yingdehong. Berry. Lemon. Elderberry. Ginseng. Skullcap. Vetiver. Mate de coca. Honeybrush. Ginger root. Need I say more?

Oh, and yes there is even a coffee tea. Welcome to the real world.

9. Downton Abbey syndrome
Maybe you watch Downton Abbey. Maybe you don’t (which really shouldn’t be an option). Needless to say, drinking tea instantaneously sends the tea consumer into the world of pretty dresses, British accents (see number 6), and whirlwind romance.

10. Pretty Instagram pictures
Don’t worry. You can still salvage your favorite Instagram ideas and take pictures of yourself holding your new favorite drink (aka tea). You can even take new and improved pictures in the aforementioned jealousy-worthy tea cups (see number 3).

Photo by @matolchphoto