Being a server is pretty awesome most of the time. It’s a great part-time job while you’re in school, you can make some serious dough, and it’s usually pretty fun. However, some customers seriously suck. It’s astonishing how many people don’t know how to behave in a restaurant. On top of managing multiple tables at a time, helping your coworkers, and ensuring everything runs smoothly, we also have to deal with customers, which is a whole other job on its own.
We love some of them, but we also hate a lot of them too. So if you don’t want to be one of the customers that your server will absolutely hate, browse through this list and be the exact opposite. Your server will thank you for it later.
1. The Bad Tipper

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This customer comes in three different forms:
- The all-around bad tipper: This is the customer that will leave you $1-2 regardless of how big the bill may be. Thank you, but we really don’t want to keep this change.
- The no-tipper: This customer is worse than the all-around bad tipper. At least the bad tipper left something. This customer leaves absolutely nothing regardless of the service, running around, and catering that you provide. There is a special place in hell for people like you.
- The tease: This customer seemed perfect. They loved you, they joked with you, they even went out of their way to praise the service. You know you are about to get a sweet tip – until you don’t. Despite the compliment, they’ll leave you a buck or two and that’s it.
#SpoonTip: Always leave at least a 10-15% tip. Bear in mind that servers make way below minimum wage and survive off of their tips.
2. The Needy One

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This customer is beyond needy. They will ask you for something every single time you pass their table. They’re always in need of something. You name it, they want it. This customer may also give you the most ridiculous and complicated orders you’ve ever heard. They will ask for the kitchen to do things that are straight up unnecessary. Servers are busy, don’t bombard them with tiny details.
3. The Rude One

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“Hi, my name is -”
“Can I have water please?”
No need for introductions because this customer will interrupt you right away. They will also give you attitude regardless of how nice you are to them. They won’t listen and they will demand another Coke instead of asking you politely – don’t expect a please or a thank you from them either. In the words of MAGIC!: why you gotta be so rude?
4. The Slow Eater

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I get it, you eat slow, you like to converse, but it should not take you over 30 minutes to eat your food. Maybe it’s just me (or my other customers that eat in a reasonable amount of time), but when I get my food at a restaurant I devour it. And it’s not that I hate seeing you eat so slowly, it’s the fact that you could be the one table preventing me from going home, or the fact that I could have had another set of customers come in and out in the amount of time you’ve spent eating that burger.
5. The Campers

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The campers – every server’s worst nightmare. These customers will not leave. They’ve pitched their tents and they’re here to stay (until closing). These customers will stay hours after they pay their bill. Please, do not do this. Again, be mindful of the fact that you could be your server’s last table, or consider the fact that you have turned their 4-table section into a 3-table section and now they’re making less money.
6. The Bad Listener

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Nothing is worse than having to repeat yourself again and again, or having somebody ask for something that you just offered to them a minute ago. This customer just doesn’t listen, but they should. It’s frustrating to talk and know that nobody is listening, and it’s also rude (see customer #3). Please look up from your phone and listen to what your server is saying (unless you are reading this post – then you may proceed).
7. The Early Bird

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Show up on time. Never early, and never late. When you show up at 3:15 for the reservation you made at 4:00, what exactly do you want me to do with you? This customer is not only annoying for the server since they might end up sitting in your section before you’re ready for them, but it’s annoying for the hostess and manager as well. Maybe you want to be extra punctual and ensure you aren’t late, but instead of showing up extra early, just show up on time.

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So, the next time you go out, show your server a little love. Give them something nice to say instead of giving them something to rant about to their coworkers.