
How Crash Dieting Can Make Your Boobs Saggy

Do you ever go really hard in the gym working on your bod for your upcoming vaycay, but as soon as you get home from the airport you dial up Domino’s? Have you been caught saying you “deserve” some time off from the gym and your diet? This is the pit fall of a yo-yo dieter.

Even though your outsides might still look hot, your insides are probably seriously crying. Here are 5 reasons  you should stop crash dieting.

1. You’ll Actually Regain More Fat

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When you stop dieting, you regain more fat than you had before you ever started dieting, and who wants more of that? Also, losing weight in unhealthy ways such as fad diets or extreme calorie restrictions does NOTHING to help you gain actual muscle.

So you can stop thinking the South Beach Fat Flush will magically melt your love handles. Instead, balance changes in eating habits with resistance training for a well rounded bod.

2.Yo-yo diets = Slower metabolism

Photo by Lauryn Lahr

Yo-yo dieting slows the metabolism leading to weight gain, so that kickboxing class you went to last night doesn’t make you burn as many calories as the person next to you. A slower metabolism leads to less weight loss in the long run, since your body isn’t as excited to burn off last night’s Taco Bell road trip.

 3. You’ll Have Lower Energy

Photo courtesy of Huffington Post

With a slower metabolism comes less energy, which is a necessity when trying to fit in class, working out, eating, studying and 90’s night, it’s a taxing life being a college kid and you’ve got to be on your A game to have it all. Eating isn’t a bad thing. Instead, mind your calories and pick high-energy foods whenever possible.

 4. Your Boobs Will Get Saggy

Photo by Lauryn Lahr

When you yo-yo diet your skin has to become more elastic with the sharp changes in your body (I know, ew) so when you lose weight you’re left with excess skin. Stay a constant weight and keep your girls perky, you’ll thank yourself in your 60’s. Also, invest in a good sports bra for intense cardio exercise, or you’ll be tightening your bra straps before you know it.

 5. Healthier Diets Keep the Weight Off

Photo by Lauryn Lahr

Yo-yo dieters typically lose weight fast in crash diets, and the slower you lose weight the longer it stays off, think of the Biggest Loser contestants that gained all the weight back after leaving the show. Skip the cheese on your Chipotle. Go to two spin classes a week instead of one. Little changes= better body in the long run. Let’s face it, we won’t be young forever, so develop the building blocks now.

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