
Costco Cookie Butter Cheesecake Is On Sale, So Run, Don't Walk There

Cookie butter is straight up absolutely effing delicious. It's like eating a pureed gingersnap—rich, spicy, creamy, and ugh, so good. Now, imagine that cookie butter in the form of a cheesecake. OK, stop imagining, and go get it at Costco. Costco's Cookie Butter Cheesecakes is on sale and you need one now.

This cake has actually been in stores for awhile, according to Instagram user @addataylor who posted a photo back in October 2017. The legendary Cookie Butter Cheesecake made by Sweet Offerings Bake Shop, and it shows a Biscoff cookie crumble crust with New York-style cheesecake, topped with a layer of creamy Biscoff cookie butter cheesecake. 

According to the packaging, it also weighs 3.44 pounds. That sounds pretty huge. But, to compare, a Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake from Junior's in NYC weighs in at 3 pounds, while a Celebration Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory weighs in at over 7 pounds! So, it's actually pretty average sized, but with big, big taste.

According to Hello Giggles, the Cookie Butter Cheesecake usually retails for $15, but right now it's on sale for $6.97. I should also mention it's only available in select Costco locations, so check out the Sweet Offerings Bake Shop website to find one nearest you. If you can't find one anywhere close, you can actually be an activist and take charge by submitting a request to get it in your local Costco store on the site. However, it might be quicker to take a road trip.

I have yet to taste this cheesecake, but I imagine it to taste slightly sweet, slightly tart, with a hint of spice, and just short of taking a bite of heaven. OK, that's dramatic, but if it tastes as good as scoop of cookie butter does straight from the jar, I'm definitely gonna need seconds.