
The Cookie Dough Café's Pints of Cookie Dough Are the Perfect Gift for Stressed Students

I'm pretty sure every student loves a good care package, and I'm also pretty sure that every student loves cookie dough (if not, I'm sorry). A care package that involves cookie dough has a to be the best thing ever if you ask me. The Cookie Dough Café is the perfect place to make this care package happen.

Why you should order it

The Cookie Dough Café sells ready and safe to eat cookie dough. The cookie dough is designed to eat raw, and all of the ingredients are safe to eat with no baking required. What's also cool about this company is that the cookie dough can be stored in a fridge for about 12 weeks (not that it will last that long).

What you're ordering

The dough comes in either individual packs of four or single pints. There are also options on the website that allow you to get both. Since you are able to try multiple flavors in one order, you don't have to stress about which to pick. They have a huge variety of flavors. You can get anything from confetti, to gluten-free chocolate chili. 

How to order 

Each order is sent to the individual with ice packs or dry ice to ensure the cookie dough stays cold on its journey. You place your order from their website, and there are three different packs you can order. Pick which flavors you'd like from the list that is provided. If you want to buy it and ship it yourself, there are many supermarkets that also carry their products.

A cool fact about the company is that Cookie Dough Café is 100% owned by women and is certified by The Women's Business Enterprise National Council.