Although college sometimes feels like an intergalactic battle between Netflix and studying, just remember that food can get you through anything. A Jedi must stay true to his appetite, as well as his destiny. So no matter how much you don’t want to suffer through four years (or more) of projects, reading, and non-stop papers…eat a burger and you’ll be fine. Or just wing it like Han Solo and never let anyone tell you the odds…
1. Empower yourself with coffee

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Caffeine is powerful. And although it’s not good to have too much, you’ll be needing lots of Starbucks to get through those all-nighters. And since you’ll be joining “the dark side” for a little while, make sure to leave your mark without going too “Anakin Skywalker” on the folks in the library.
#SpoonTip: Here are some other ways to get caffeine.
2. Eat breakfast like a winner

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Haven’t you heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Well, it’s true. And you should eat a big, hearty one too ‘cause it’s probably the only meal you’ll actually find the time to cook. A jedi-in-training can’t function without the “food” force, so don’t charge toward the battlefield without breakfast. Yoda would say, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Got it?
#SpoonTip: Here’s how Spoon does a Star Wars breakfast.
3. Don’t avoid eating “cause you’re too busy”

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I know we’ve all got a lot of busywork to do, but come on guys; you’ve got to eat. Food is, like, super important, right? So take the time to make yourself a sandwich! Or just buy a Pub Sub. You’re gonna need those carbs and protein to think and blow away those assignments and exams. But…not with the Death Star. Avoid that please.
4. Share your food with your friends (to an extent)

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It’s good to be nice and all, but c’mon. We should all be responsible for packing our own lunches. If it starts to feel like people are stealing from you, then that’s a big problem. But please deal with it diplomatically. *No lightsaber battles allowed*
5. Let your frustration out on food (not people)

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I know, I know… the stress can be overwhelming sometimes. But suck it up. It’s not nice to let your issues affect other people, especially when it’s not their fault. Blame it on the school system; I don’t care. Just think before you act. Don’t explode on your friend or the poor guy making you a smoothie at Tropical Smoothie. They’re doing you a favor. Pour out all your frustration into your studying instead.
#SpoonTip: Here are some quick study snacks.
6. Don’t retreat to fast food too often

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You don’t need to charge through the McDonald’s line with 10 orders just because you have three papers due in the same week. Fast food will only make you feel worse. If you need it, stick to a few items. But it’s homemade food that’ll really make you feel better.
#SpoonTip: Here’s the perfect homemade soup to make.
7. Shake the stress off (with wine and some dance moves)

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After sitting in a chair for most of the day, you’ll feel like you’ve lost all feeling in your body. So release that tension a little by moving around every once in awhile. Now, I know everyone has their own way of de-stressing, and that’s perfectly fine. You do you. Just remember to use discretion. Don’t wind up on Youtube ‘cause you “had a little too much” and decided to bring a lightsaber to class.
#SpoonTip: Here’s 7 superfoods that can reduce stress.
8. Remember that food is your friend in times of distress

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Sometimes things won’t always go your way. When your computer crashes, you spill coffee on your pants, or your car battery dies – don’t let it get to you. Food is your ally. When you need an adrenaline boost, something to binge eat, or something to throw at the wall… it’s there at your beck and call. Just don’t misuse it, ‘cause every friend has their boundaries. And if you overstep, you might end up with a sugar crash or a stomach ache.
#SpoonTip: Here are some Star Wars inspired snack recipes.
9. Don’t let food distract you from your tasks

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Food is very important. I know that. But like all college students, we do our best to procrastinate from our present dilemmas and deal with it in other ways… like Netflix and pizza. Yes, the workload can be a little overwhelming, but it does no good to live in a fantasy world of “stuffing your face” and then realize your class is in half an hour and you still haven’t gotten up from bed.
#SpoonTip: Here’s are some foods that’ll help you focus.
10. Celebrate each good grade with some fun and dessert

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Regardless of whether you’re too tired to move from the couch or not, you’ve got to celebrate your triumphs no matter what. Reward yourself with some Froyo or chocolate glazed donuts. And don’t forget to rest your mind every once in awhile. Watch a movie, hit the gym, dress up as Darth Maul and parade through campus…whatever floats your boat.
#SpoonTip: Here’s a stellar Star Wars inspired soufflé recipe.
11. Flaunt your Jedi-ness and treat yo’self at the end of the semester

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Congratulations, young Padawan. You’ve made it! Now you should eat ‘till your heart’s content, and breathe a sigh of relief that the war’s finally over. I bid you farewell and may the force be with you.

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