With the harmful body standards in our society, it sadly comes as no surprise that college women don’t have the most positive body image. A third of college women are unhappy with their current weight, and just under a fourth of college women report having never been happy with their weight. 61% of college women have been on a diet at some point, with most having gone on their first diet while still in high school at age 13-16. 11% have even resorted to trying questionable diet aids to help them lose weight.
Concerningly, over 40% of college women feel they have exhibited behavior of an eating disorder at some point, with 8% having been officially diagnosed with one.

Infographic courtesy of hercampus.com
Don’t miss the rest of the survey results – check them out here.
This post shares results from Her Campus’ Complete College Life Survey Series where we collected over 10,000 responses from women at 300+ colleges. Check out even more of the results here.