
Coffee vs Matcha: What Is The Best Energy Booster?

Majority of our morning routines consists of brewing up a cup of coffee to get us going for the day. There's nothing wrong with that, but the unfortunate down side to that is the feeling of your energy level crashing way before you even get to your lunch break. So, you may or may not have heard of this super green drink that people have been raving over; matcha. Now, the way coffee is compared to matcha is similar, but matcha is a way better alternative drink that people should be having more rather than your regular ol' Cup of Jo. 

What Even Is Matcha?

I'm not going into too much detail on what matcha specifically is, because there are already so many articles that describe it for you. In short, Time describes it as a young green tea leaf that is grown and grounded up into a powder consistency and calls it matcha. 

How Is It Better Than Coffee?

I'm not denying the fact that coffee tastes amazing, but it is a stimulant drug that doesn't exactly do our body well. Coffee gets people addicted and it affects the adrenal glands, which tends to make people feel jittery, and the energy it gives doesn't tend to last very long, or not at all, from the spike in adrenaline, glucose, and insulin levels, which also leaves you crashing not too long after your first cup. 

Matcha on the other hand has the opposite effect. Matcha has high levels of amino acids and L-Theanine which gives someone calm alertness, concentration, and focus. This tea also has many more benefits that prevents cancer, helps fight against cardiovascular diseases, and detoxifies the body (yay digestion). Unlike coffee, matcha gives you the energy you need for about three to six hours; no spikes and no crashes, just the perfect balance of calm and alertness. All the things we look for when needing our daily pick-me-up. 

History Time 

Many, many moons ago, the monks use to have matcha during their meditation practices. "Zen Buddist monk Eisai wrote in The Book of Tea that green tea could prevent fatigue, quell indigestion, improve concentration and more" according to Jade Monk. During this time, monks would meditate for hours and would need something to keep them focused. They had matcha to keep them concentrated and calm during their practices (thanks to the L-Theanine that promotes relaxation and learning abilities.)

Japanese culture still has a love for this amazing superfood and the rest of the world is slowly getting to know why. It's been a huge trend for a couple years, which is fairly recent, and it's a trend that's here to stay.

The Best Matcha To Buy

When it comes to buying your own matcha, there are some things to keep in mind so you're spending your money on the best product you can get your hands on.

Matcha is generally expensive. That's just how it is because of the way it's grown, handled, and delegated. Majority of the best matcha is grown in specific geographical areas and handled with great care and skill. Just like anything shipped from a greater distance, the price is going to be a bit more expensive.

Keep in mind of the packaging and color. Look into getting matcha that is package in a tin container rather than a foil bag to prevent oxidation. While looking at packaging, make sure you're getting the brightest colored matcha so you'll have more nutrients in your tea. Remember, the greener the better!

If you've had matcha before and thought it was straight up bitter, then you didn't have the good stuff. Keep in mind that matcha is suppose to be easy to drink and have a balance between sweet and bitter. If you do decide to replace your coffee with matcha tea, know you're making a tasty and healthier choice that's good for both the mind and body.