Besides the obvious proximity to a caffeine source, have you ever wondered why you study better in coffee shops? Research shows that coffee shop ambiance increases creativity, alertness, and ability to learn. So grab the comfiest couch and let the magic of the cafe help you ace your exams.

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A study from the University of Illinois found that individuals came up with more creative product ideas when exposed to ambient sound at around 70 decibels – the average volume of a bustling coffee shop. Research shows that a semi-distracting background helps you think more broadly and outside-the-box. Rumor has it the selfie stick was even invented in a Starbucks.

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Caffeine doesn’t actually wake you up. It inhibits the sleep hormone, adenosine, and energizes the brain. Coffee or high-caffeine teas can be just what you need to concentrate and crush a complicated task, and what better place to be productive than the source of never-ending caffeine?
Fewer Distractions

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If you go out of your way to do some work at a coffee shop, chances are you won’t give up and procrastinate away your time once you get there. You’re also unlikely to be bothered, especially if you appear to be working.
Ability to Learn

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Studies have shown that 200 millligrams of caffeine (approximately the size of a venti Starbucks latte) allows the brain to identify words and phrases more quickly. Caffeine can also improve problem-solving skills and memory. So the next time you have to learn macroeconomics the night before a final, head over to you local coffee shop and order a large – or extra large.
So grab your cappuccino and scone, pull up to an outlet and let the coffee shop do it’s magic.