
The Cheapest Valentine’s Date That Ever Was

Skip the chocolates, overly priced roses and the Valentines Day clichés. How about taking your honey for some fine dining next to the golden arches?

Photo by: Reddit User prometheus2808

Last year, McDonald’s took a new approach to “I’m lovin’ it” by turning itself in to a full-service “fine dining” restaurant in honor of Valentine’s Day. Several stores in the franchise actually took dinner reservations, had a hostess greet guests at the door and made the counter staff bring food out to the seated costumers. The restaurants even tried to spice it up a little bit with tablecloths, fake flower arrangements and LED candles (rather than the greasy counter tops we’re all accustomed to)

Photo By Armin Nayak

With this deal, you could trade your 30 0z Coke cup for some fancy sparkly champagne glasses (although no champagne was actually served). I don’t know about you, but nothing screams “romance” more than scarfing down that Mcflurry by candlelight with your significant other.

Laugh as you will, but the reservations actually filled up extremely quickly. McDonald’s also added a 20% upcharge to its normal menu items to help cover the cost of the festivities (such as those lovely fake floral arrangements).

Photo by Armin Nayak

I hate to be the the bearer of bad news but McDonald’s is not running the same special this year. (I know all you’re currently sighing with disappointment.)

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