
Everything You Need to Know About the Paleo Diet

Ew gross, paleo? What is that, like, eating twigs and stuff? Put your disgusting expectations aside, my friends, because the paleo diet is way tastier than it sounds. Paleo, or Paleolithic, isn’t considered a diet so much as a lifestyle. Basically, the followers of the paleo diet try to eat foods that only our hunter-gatherer ancestors would’ve eaten.

What the heck does that mean?

Think back to the days of the caveman. What would people have eaten? I can guarantee you our beloved McDonald’s and KFC were not the prime food options of that era. Think instead of nuts, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables and meat. Lots and lots of meat. I’m talking “I could eat a whole horse” types of meals. Luckily for you, I’m not about to tell you to go ingest a whole cow or anything (now that would be gross).

Okay, fine. But what exactly can I eat?

First of all, grains are a major no-no. Hunter-gatherers didn’t have the time or resources to grow grains and refine them into a useable material. They traveled where the game moved and found edible berries and plants along the way. In today’s society, we’re blessed with amazing food sources such as Kroger and Whole Foods. If you’re wanting to try out the paleo diet, I suggest you hit up your local grocery store for the following items:

Photo by David Schuleman

Photo by Mackenzie Barth

Photo by Katie Coyle

Maybe Paleo isn’t so bad. What can I do with this diet?

Check out these blogs for more tips and recipes on creating your own amazing paleo diet: