It’s time to face facts – you’re all grown up and you’ve got things to do. In order to get through a busy day, you have to start it the right way, and that means with the right breakfast. You can’t wake up and pour yourself a bowl of sugar anymore, even if it is magically delicious.
Here are some healthy cereal choices that won’t lead to a sugar crash in class:
1. Rice Chex
Low in sugar, low in fat and gluten-free-friendly. Plus, you can use it to make puppy chow (not for breakfast, though).
2. Cheerios

Photo by Jessica Payne
As you probably know from their commercials, Cheerios help lower cholesterol. Add banana slices or other fresh fruit for extra flavor and nutrients.
3. Kashi
With a variety of different flavors, it’s packed with protein and fiber necessary for any diet.
4. Puffins
They’re proud of their dairy free, non-GMO reputation, making it both a healthy and delicious way to start your morning.
5. Fiber One
Because, well, you know…
6. Homemade Cereal

Photo by Maggie Gorman
Making your own food is the only way to really know what you’re eating. Make a bunch ahead of time so you always have some ready to go in the morning. Just pour some milk over this homemade granola.
7. Lucky Charms
Sure, you can’t eat them every day. But every once in a while you should remember what it’s like to be a kid. After all, they are magically delicious.
Craving more cereal? Check out these articles: