In the world of farmers market food porn, cauliflower doesn’t stand a chance next to to vibrant red radishes and emerald-hued kale. It’s white, lumpy, and unattractive. It’s the Ron Jeremy of the greenmarket.
But cauliflower is cheap — a head typically runs about $3 and can yield enough florets for two to three meals. It can be cooked whole and presented as an impressive main dish (a non-Tofurkey holiday option for vegetarians), or transformed into endless soups and side dishes. Its initial visual blandness is its greatest strength: Cauliflower is a blank slate, allowing it to slip seamlessly into a variety of cuisines.
So pick up the least sexy crucifer of them all, and make some dinner — here are a few cheap cauliflower recipes to get you started:
Pasta with Slow-Cooked Cauliflower, Anchovies, and Garlic
Paul Bertolli’s Cauliflower Soup
Mediterranean Cauliflower Rice with Smoky Red Pepper Sauce
Thanks to our friends at Food52 for contributing this guest post!