
If The Cast of “How I Met Your Mother” Were Oreos

We all love How I Met Your Mother, and have probably binge watched it on Netflix at least 8 times since it ended. So, what goes hand in hand with late night Neflix watching? Oreos do!

Here’s a list of Oreo flavors our favorite group of friends would be if they weren’t always sitting in MacLaren’s:

Ted: Original all the way

Photo courtesy of eonline

Ted is a classy, traditional guy that believes in true love, romantic gestures, and destiny. As the original Oreo, Ted will always be the true star of the show. His hard, architect, chocolate cookie exterior is really just masking his soft, velvety center that is craving a forever relationship.

Ted doesn’t rely on fancy flavors or bright colors to make a statement. He’s comfortable in his own generic self, and will always be satisfying. Nevertheless, he probably loves this inception cookie recipe as much as we do. 

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Robin: Heads or Tails

Photo courtesy of Gimmesomeoven

Robin is a woman of many sides. Her golden cookie shows her feminine, delicate side, whereas her chocolate cookie is for hanging with the guys and drinking beer at MacLaren’s. Robin will always be a pal to Ted, but forever the object of his affection. Let’s face it; she’s the best of both worlds.

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Lily: Red Velvet

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Lily is the fiery red head, the spitfire personality, the fancy artist wanna be. Lily is one of the richest, most decadent friends imaginable. Her loving personality, with her endless life lessons and support, are unexpectedly mixed with a bit of ferocity and strength, just like the powerful flavors of a Red Velvet cookie.

Like her original Oreo counterpart, she is perfectly sweet, only with a little twist. If you didn’t know red velvet Oreos existed, we recommend reading this article about Oreos newest flavor, to help you decide if they’re worth your time. 

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Marshall: Fudge Covered

Photo courtesy of Cookie Madness

Come again for Big Fudge? If you have a problem, Marshall has you covered. With only one hard cookie, Marshall is the softy of the group. He is the chocolatey, feel-good friend that will do anything to put a smile on the face of someone he loves. Marshall would never try to outshine his fellow cookies, because in his eyes he’s already won the prize.

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Barney: The Milk

Photo courtesy of Buzzfeed

Legend… Wait for it… DAIRY. Barney is too awesome to be just another cookie in the box. He’s the guy that makes every bite better and although he might not seem like a necessary asset, there is no way snack time would be the same without him. One rule: Never ask how many cookies have been dipped in him.

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