
WTF Are GG Crackers?

In the past year, the F-Factor (fiber factor) diet has become one of the healthiest diet programs around. It's a science-based eating plan that focuses completely on fiber. I could give you a ton of reasons why you should consume more fiber, but most importantly, fiber stimulates weight loss and lowers your risk of diabetes and heart disease. While most Americans struggle to incorporate enough fiber in their diet, Gunder Gunderson has created the solution that you and Chris Hemsworth definitely need: GG Crackers.

So What Even Are GG Crackers?

They’re appetite control crackers with the highest dietary fiber in all naturally baked Scandinavian crispbreads. GG® Scandinavian Bran Crispbreads, created by Gunder Gundersen in 1935, are low in calories but full of fiber. Originally created in Norway, these crackers have gained popularity in the states due to celebrity use and dietician praise.

After hearing all the craze, I had to try the crackers for myself. I decided to order Raisin & Honey crispbreads with the hope they would be a little more flavorful. If I'm being completely honest, I loved them! While I do admit they are a bit bland to eat alone they are the perfect supplement for any type of toast.

Health blogs and Instagram accounts are the best places to find recipes on how to dress up your GG's. This Raisin Honey PB-Banana Chocolate Chip Yogi Bark from @livingpurley_ is truly one of my favorites!

Top your GG with cream cheese, make some GG avocado toast or break up a GG and put it in your smoothie bowl. Join the fiber bandwagon, 33g is the daily goal and I guarantee you are already behind!

Why Do I Need Fiber?

Fiber is the indigestible part of food that comes from plants. It has a specific talent to pull toxins out of your immune system and feed the good probiotics. Majority of food and stomach problems derive from slow digestion, therefore fiber helps us pass the foods we eat. 

If mixing some fiber into your diet is a simple way to continue eating the way you normally do and discover permanent weight loss, it is a diet worth trying. Fiber may be more than the buzz word of 2017 and it's as simple as 4 GG's a day!