Personalities aren’t strictly Type A or B and no one prefers a single “type” of the opposite sex (actually, I do). Fortunately, blood type is decided for us by our genetics and antibodies. What few people realize, however, is that blood type determines quite a bit about the body’s chemistry and how different foods are uniquely metabolized. So skip the gym (like you even go anyway) and put this blood type food guide to work for the best body you’ve ever had.


To all of you vegetarian and vegan Type O’s who think you’re living the healthy life sans prime rib, you’re wrong.

GIF courtesy of

High-protein, low-carb is what you’re aiming for if you want to look trim and tidy for all those beach trips with your friends—it never hurts to be the one still killin’ it after high school. Or, you know, do it to optimize your health…that’s another reason. Ugh, priorities.

blood type

Photo by Andrew Zaky

Your BFFs for weight loss: kelp (LOL), seafood, red meat, liver*, kale, spinach, broccoli
Your BFFs for weight gain: kidney & navy beans, lentils, wheat gluten (yeah, mom was right to slap your little paw out of the bread bowl when it dove in for sevenths), corn, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens

*Note: I’m still convinced that pâté is the same thing as Fancy Feast. Your call, but I’d order some halibut instead.


Carnivores, you should probably just pop back in the womb and come out as another blood type.

Literally any other one.

blood type

Photo by Andrew Zaky

Good Foods: vegetables, vegetable oils, soy foods, pineapple
Bad Foods: meat, dairy, wheat (when excessive), kidney & lima beans

Translation: Guiltlessly enjoy ¼ of a vegan grilled cheese sandwich.

GIF courtesy of


Y’all essentially need to throwback a few millennia and hop on the paleo bandwagon with some cows. Paleo doesn’t normally include dairy, but fortunately for those of you who are type B and like to enjoy a Chobani or pint of Ben & Jerry’s for your mid-morning snack, your blood type does well with milk products.

blood type

Photo by Andrew Zaky

Food Faves: green veggies, meat, liver, eggs, low-fat dairy
Food Foes: corn, lentils, peanuts, sesame seeds, buckwheat, wheat


You guessed it: An A/B mash-up.

blood type

Photo by Andrew Zaky

Foods to binge on: tofu, seafood, dairy, green veggies, kelp, pineapple
Foods to pass on: red meat, kidney & lima beans, seeds, corn, buckwheat, wheat


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