
Best T.F. Green Food Spots to Hit Up While Waiting for Take-Off

Many Brown students live in New England and can easily take Amtrak or drive home. However, for the other 80% or so, flying is the best option to get home for breaks and long weekends. TF Green is Providence’s hometown, international airport and while airport food is rarely regarded as good, TF Green has food options for every flying scenario that you may find yourself in.

When you have to finish three problem sets and two essays on the plane from TF Green…

Photo by Katherine Jenks

This may be one tough flight to get through. You’re not relaxed the way you would be at the end of the semester or before spring break.  Planes encourage sleepiness so you need a Starbucks Venti drip coffee to keep you extra awake to ace those assignments. Yes, Starbucks is super generic, but their coffee has a lot more caffeine than other brands. You can also pick up an Almond Coconut Cashew Chai Kind Bar to fuel your brain with protein and healthy fats.

When you’re headed home after the finals you think you failed (or aced)…

Don’t worry, the NC side of Brown’s S/NC will get that grade off your transcript. But if you are still feeling down, head to the Johnny Rockets and pick up a Hersey’s chocolate shake and some cheese fries. The combo of sweet and salty will satisfy all of your emotionally-charged cravings while waiting for your final grades.

When you’re headed to Cabo/Puerto Vallarta/Florida….

Photo by Katherine Jenks

Go to Wolfgang Puck Express and grab a salad. With five different made to order salad options including the Spinach and Quinoa salad and Salad Chinoise, this place takes the cake for healthy airport fare. Just make sure to avoid the sinful pizzas and your spring break bod will thank you.

When you’re running late for your 6 am flight but you need a quick breakfast…

America runs on Dunkin’ and so does TF Green. Speedy service is in Dunkin’ Donuts’ DNA meaning that you will be able to grab a giant iced coffee and a Wake-Up Wrap in a matter of minutes for under $5. If savory breakfasts aren’t your style, you can grab a Fudge Croissant donut or a bagel with cream cheese.

When you’re headed to the middle of the country and won’t be able to get good seafood….

Photo by Katherine Jenks

Head to Providence Oyster Bar for $1 Oyster “Appy Hour” from 4 until 6:30. If you’re concerned about eating raw food at an airport, grab a classic lobster roll or be adventurous and grab a veggie sushi roll. Yes. Sushi in the airport is possible. And yes, it’s actually really good.

When you need a gift to bring home to the fam…

Pick up some uniquely Rhode Island items from Only in Rhode Island. Rhode Island’s best food product is undeniably coffee milk. Grab some of the sweet, coffee flavored syrup so that the family can make their very own coffee milk at home. If coffee isn’t your thing, you can also get tubs of Del’s lemonade mix and Mayor’s Own Marinara (RIP Buddy).

When you like your flights boozy…

Photo by Katherine Jenks

Sit down at the Budweiser Bow Tie bar and restaurant. Their extensive selections of beer, wine, and Bloody Mary’s are sure to meet all of your imbibing needs. If pub food is more your style, head to Shipyard Brewport for some creative comfort food like Yankee Pot Roast and savory Shipyard Nachos with pulled pork and pico.

Keep these restaurant options in mind next time you fly out of Providence for the best food experience. Although TF Green is a small airport, it has enough options to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters.

Spend a lot of time at airports? Here are some tricks of the trade:

11 Foolproof Tips to Curb Your Hunger at the Airport

5 Healthy Snacks to Eat at the Airport

Best Snacks for Travel