April Fools’ pranks never get old. Last year we were amateurs, mixing Skittles and M&Ms together and hoping no one noticed. This year, we kicked it up a notch- Oreos filled with toothpaste (Looking for a few ideas of your own? Here are some to think about for next year). But we were one-upped, and not just by anyone. Here are a few ‘menu items’ we’re glad didn’t actually make the cut:
TCBY: Vanilla Mushroom Frozen Yogurt
We’re total froyo fanatics: Nutella, Red Velvet, Pomegranate you name it. But we’d rather have our mushrooms on a Mother Bears’ slice if you don’t mind.

Photo courtesy of tcby.com
Steak ‘n Shake: Steakburger Milkshake
A juicy burger, thin-cut fries with honey mustard sauce with a milkshake to wash it down. It’s the perfect 2 AM fourthmeal. But we don’t mix our drinks and neither should they. We’ll stick to Cookies ‘n Cream for now.

Photo courtesy of steaknshake.com
Cheesecake Factory: Savory Cheesecakes
These cheesecakes looked so real we almost believed it. Caramelized bacon with scallion-topped sour cream? Umm, maybe next year. (But you can make some cheesecake for yourself. We won’t tell if you won’t).

Photo courtesy of thecheesecakefactory.com
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