
How To Wear Your Hair Down For a Week Without Washing It

I'm the type of girl who washes her hair at least every two days, usually more. I never feel put together unless my hair is flawlessly straightened or curled. Leaving the house with bad hair makes me feel gross, so when I skipped washing my hair for a week, the results truly tested the strength of my poor, poor hair.

While it may sound crazy, giving your hair a break once in a while is a healthy thing to do. Frequent washing strips your hair and scalp of natural oils, which can make your hair dull and fragile.

Product build-up from washing and styling can also cause hair to get greasy more easily in the long run, so I decided to take a break from washing and see if it helped. Here's how you can too.


I washed my hair as per usual on Sunday night. For shampoo and conditioner, I used Ogx renewing + argan oil of morocco. I also do a deep treatment once a week so I used Saryna Key Pure Arican Shea Butter. I let it air dry and prayed that my hair would make it through the week.


I straightened my hair when I woke up on Monday morning. I always use a primer by bumble and bumble, as well as Marc Anthony argan oil afterwards. It was looking pretty good, if I do say so myself.


My hair was still looking pretty great! I didn't have class and the only place I had to go was the gym, so I didn't do anything to it. It stayed pretty straight from Monday, and I knew avoiding products would help it last longer before getting greasy.


This is the day I would normally wash my hair. I straightened it using the same products as Monday and still refrained from dry shampoo. I had class all day and then went to the gym, which made me really wish I could wash my hair.


Bring on the dry shampoo! My hair was officially greasy so I doused it in my go-to Batiste dry shampoo. It was another day of class and the gym, and I was starting to feel super gross. I didn't straighten my hair today because I was running late, so it stayed this half-straightened mess.


This was the day I was really worried about. I had plans to go out at night and needed my hair to look good. I used a lot of dry shampoo and then curled it. Thankfully, clubs are so dark that even if it didn't look great, nobody noticed. Once I got through the night, I knew I was out of the woods.


It was a day full of homework and binge-watching How I Met Your Mother so I didn't really care about my hair. It looked like crap but I told myself I was rocking the 'wet look'. 

When Sunday came, I finally washed my disgusting hair and it felt great. I felt like I had been to the salon because it felt so good.

Taking a week-long break from washing my hair (though difficult) was possible with the right products and a lot of dry shampoo. Giving your hair a rest once in a while can be a great idea.

In my normal routine, I probably wouldn't go an extra day without washing my hair. What can I say? I'm obsessed with my flat iron and I like having smooth, silky hair. Sue me.