Why drink that leftover beer when you can cook with it?
Beer is used in a so many recipes, and can add any number of flavors depending on the kind of beer that’s used. When there’s leftover beer in the fridge after a party, check out these recipes below and add some mmph! to your meals.
This first recipe is loosely based on one my mom uses at home:

Red-Braised Pork ()
Slice pork belly into chunks, preserving the layers of fat and meat.
Dice scallions until you obtain a small pile and cut several slices of ginger root.
Fry pork belly on stove for several minutes until they turn light brown on the outside.
Put pork belly in a pot or wok. Also add in the scallions, ginger root slices, leftover beer, sugar, soy sauce, and enough water to cover the meat.
*Note: I eyeball the sugar and soy sauce. You may need to add more soy sauce during the cooking process depending on the color of the meat.
Turn the stove to high heat and wait until the mixture boils. Then turn the heat to medium-low, cover the mixture and wait for 30-40 minutes.
*Note: The amount of time depends on the amount of meat being used. I tend to check-in on the meat every once in awhile to see how much of the liquid has evaporated and if the color is too light.
When the cooking is done, most of the liquid will have evaporated. The rest can be used as sauce for vegetables or rice.
The next recipe is from Food Network’s Robin Miller. The original recipe is here.

Robin Miller’s Quick Fix Beer Bread
Preheat oven to 400° F. Coat a baking pan with cooking spray or olive oil.
Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, olive oil, and leftover beer for about 5 to 10 minutes. Mixture should be thick with no lumps and bubbles.
Pour mixture into baking pan.
Bake batter for about 40 minutes. Enjoy!
Other Beer Recipes & More
That’s all for this time folks! Hope you all have as much fun trying these recipes as I did. Here are some other recipes that I found to take a few more beers off your hands:
–Three-Chile Beef Chili (Coffee + Dark Beer? Dank.)
–Chocolate Beer Cake (Chocolate + Beer. Let’s go.)
–Guinness Ice Cream with Chocolate-Covered Pretzels (Enough said.)