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cookies 11 jocelyn hsu

Battle of the Cookies: Insomnia vs Campus Cookies

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at JMU chapter.

I started out by ordering the same 6 cookies from both places: Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, Sugar, Peanut Butter, Chocolate Mint, and Oatmeal Raisin. I’m going to compare delivery and packaging, taste, and price; and then we can finally end this argument for once and for all! 

Madison Parmiter

Round 1: Delivery and Packaging

Insomnia Cookies: I was not a fan of their packaging, they put all the cookies on top of each other and they sort of got stuck together, I am not a fan of that. 

Campus Cookies: I noticed that they used a bigger box —probably too big for six cookies — but my cookies didn’t get stuck together!

Round 1 Winner: Campus Cookies! I don’t like my cookies to stick together, especially when there are different flavors.

Round 2: Taste

Insomnia Cookies: Their cookies are a lot more doughy than I prefer. Some of the cookies you didn’t notice it as much, but others tasted straight up raw in the middle. Not a fan of that!

Campus Cookies: Their cookies are the perfect consistency of crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. They honestly tasted like my grandma’s cookies that I grew up eating. HUGE Fan!

Round 2 Winner: Campus Cookies, once again; due to the amazing texture and taste I experienced whilst eating them.

Round 3: Price

Insomnia Cookies: came out to be $11.87

Campus Cookies: makes you spend $10 before they will deliver to you.  So, I had to spend at least $10 for them to even deliver it to me… 🙁 The total came out to about $10.50! 

Round 3 Winner: Campus Cookies! Even though they had a delivery fee, Campus Cookies still turned out to be the cheaper option! 🙂

Final Verdict:

I have tasted and calculated my results as to which late-night cookie delivery company is the best bang for your buck! I have decided that Campus Cookies wins!! They not only were the cheapest, but they also tasted the best and looked the most appetizing! 

If you are looking for a easy way to get some yummy cookies late at night, Campus Cookies is the way to go!! 

My Name is Madison Parmiter and I am an extreme foodie! I am watching food videos all the time and constantly baking! I love Disney and all things sweet and ooey gooey. I am majoring in Hospitality Management with a minor in Business in the hopes to become a wedding planner.