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Basic Mug
Basic Mug

This Is How Basic Your Coffee Mug Is

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Rochester chapter.

Every little detail counts when trying to figure out how much of a basic bitch you are. Just because you aren’t sipping on a pumpkin spice latte doesn’t mean you aren’t being basic.  Find out how basic you truly are by seeing where your mug of choice fits on the pH scale.

1:  The Sarcastic Mug

Coffee Mug

Photo by Rebecca Block

If your mug features anything along the lines of your fake love of mornings or your desperate need for coffee (before you can utter any words), you are on the opposite end of the basic bitch spectrum.

2: The Stolen Dining Hall Mug

Coffee Mug

Photo by Rebecca Block

This applies to anyone drinking from a plastic mug that was swiped from the dining hall one morning. Not basic.

3: The Funny Mug

If you’re sporting a mug that can only be used by a lefty or possibly one that looks like a toilet bowl, you aren’t very far up on the basic scale.

4: The Academic Mug


Photo by Rebecca Block

If your mug has a caffeine molecule, some mathematical equations, or the name of your school, you fit in right here.

5: The Plain Mug

Coffee Mug

Photo by Rebecca Block

People who drink from basic mugs aren’t actually very basic.

6: The Tourist Mug

Coffee Mug

Photo by Rebecca Block

If you picked up your mug on your last jaunt around the globe, you belong right here. While these can really vary in how basic they are, they are typically rather quirky and more hipster than not.

7: Travel Mug

While this neutral mug is notoriously carried around by the most basic of them all, there can also be a genuine need for them. If you are using a travel mug because you actually need to go somewhere, you aren’t being very basic at all. If you’re using one in the comfort of your dorm, that’s a different story.

8: The Jumbo Mug

Coffee Mug

Photo by Rebecca Block

These mugs, which typically feature an intricate design, are perfect for that person who wants to curl up and enjoy the sweater weather with a giant cup of coffee. And if you ask most people, that’s pretty basic.

9: The Artistic Mug

Coffee Mug

Photo by Rebecca Block

You most likely enjoy drinking out of this mug on a chilly fall day while contemplating your next adventure, which is again, pretty basic.

10: The Initial Mug

Coffee Mug

Photo by Rebecca Block

If your day starts with a mug featuring your first initial, your mug is basic, but not too basic, considering you may have gotten it as a birthday present from that relative you don’t really know.

11: The True Coffee Mug

Coffee Mug

Photo by Rebecca Block

When your coffee mug explicitly says that it’s a coffee mug, you know that your love for coffee is a tad basic.

12: The Quotable Etsy Mug

Coffee Mug

Photo by Rebecca Block

If you bought your mug on Etsy, or have seen a similar one for sale there, it’s pretty damn basic. These mugs are handmade and usually feature a genuine good morning message written in cursive or an ombre pattern that screams adorable. Sometimes it’s even engraved.

13: The DIY Mug

If your mug was crafted using a sharpie marker, an oven and some Pinspiration, you just know you belong here.

14: Starbuck’s Holiday Travel Mug

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Photo by Lindsey Law

This mug, which is most likely holding a pumpkin spice latte, holds a very special place at the top of the basic scale.

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How to Order Coffee

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Lauren Charles

Rochester '17