
Avocado Ice Cream Just Arrived at Whole Foods and Millennials Everywhere Are Flocking

If you thought avocado toast was life changing, you haven't lived until you've tried avocado ice cream. Cado, a vegan avocado-based ice cream, is the latest dairy-free frozen dessert to hit Whole Foods nationwide. And unlike other dairy-free ice creams, Cado is soy-free, gluten-free, organic, and allergen-friendly. 

Co-founder Meghan Dowd told Refinery29 that the reason they chose avocado as a base was because "the quality of the fat and creaminess, had found their way into our smoothies and pies, and so using them to craft ice cream was a natural next step." She goes on to say that "the avocado-base offers more nutrition and a superior fat," and "has a really creamy quality, just like ice cream."

Being the millennial I am, I was completely intrigued by this mix from the beginning. Like, who decides to make ice cream by using avocado? Only a freaking genius. It's a combination of two of my favorite things in the world, or as Dowd said, "It was a great marriage of two things we loved: ice cream and avocados." 

I'll admit I was confused as to what it was supposed to taste like, though. Because as much as I love avocado, I wouldn't want my ice cream to taste like guac. Oddly enough, the ice cream tastes nothing like avocado and it doesn't takeaway from the classic dessert flavor it's mixed into. "We love that when people try Cado, they have no idea it's made from avocados," Dowd said. All the avocado does is help create the creamy texture that we love about ice cream, and provides nutritional value.

Cado comes in three flavors: Chocolate, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Lemon Sorbet, with plans to introduce Cherry Amaretto, Java Chip, Vanilla, and Salted Caramel later on down the road. 

So next time you head to the store and want to try a different type of dairy-free ice cream, grab a couple pints of Cado. You can find it in the freezer section of Whole Foods, Fresh Market, and other grocery chains and specialty markets.